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6. Revolved Protrusions The revolve option creates a feature by revolving the sketched section around a centerline from the sketching plane into the part.

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Presentation on theme: "6. Revolved Protrusions The revolve option creates a feature by revolving the sketched section around a centerline from the sketching plane into the part."— Presentation transcript:

1 6. Revolved Protrusions The revolve option creates a feature by revolving the sketched section around a centerline from the sketching plane into the part. A revolved feature can be created either entirely on one side of the sketching plane or symmetrically on both sides of the sketching plane. The One Side and Both Sides options are available. If you choose Both Sides, the feature will be revolved symmetrically in each direction for one half of the angle specified in the REV TO menu.To create a revolve, we proceed in the following manner. Feature=>Feat=>Create=>Solid=>Protrusion=>Revolve=>Done =>One Side=>Done=>Okay=>Default.

2 After creating a revolved section, select Done and the REV TO menu appears. This menu allows you to specify the value of the features’s angle of revolution. You can choose the Variable option for a user defined angle of revolution, or you can choose from the four preset angles, 90, 180, 270 and 360. Sketch to be revolved

3 Sketch revolved by 90 degrees Sketch revolved by 180 degrees.

4 Sketch revolved by 270 degrees Sketch revolved by 360 degrees

5 7. Chamfers Chamfers are created between abutting edges of two surfaces on the Solid model. An edge chamfer removes a flat section of material From a selected edge to create a beveled surface between the two Original surfaces common to that edge. Figure below shows Edge chamfers.

6 There are four dimensioning schemes for edge chamfers, as described below:-- (1)45*d Creates a chamfer that is at an angle of 45 degree to both surfaces and a distance d from the edge along each surface. The distance is the only dimension to appear when modified. 45*d chamfers can only be created on a edge formed by inter- section of two perpendicular surfaces. Figure is below. 45 d

7 (2) d*d Creates a chamfer that is at a distance d from the edge along each surface. The distance is the only dimension to appear when modified. Figure is below. d d (3) d1*d2 Creates a chamfer at a distance d1 from the selected edge along one surface and a distance d2 from the selected edge along the other surface. Both distances appear along their respective surfaces when modified.

8 d1 d2 (4) Ang*d Creates a chamfer at a distance d from the selected edge along one adjacent surface at a specified angle to the surface. Figure is below. angle d

9 To create an edge chamfer, 1.Choose Chamfer from the SOLID menu. 2.Choose Edge from the CHAMF menu. 3.Choose 45*d or d*d or d1*d2 or Ang*d option. 4.Enter the chamfer dimension. 5.Select edges to chamfer. To create a corner chamfer, 1.Choose Chamfer from the SOLID menu. 2.Choose Corner from the CHAMF menu. 3.Pro/E displays the PICK/ENTER menu, which allows to specify the location of the chamfer vertex on the highlighted edge. The PICK/ENTER menu options are as follows. Pick Point Pick a point on the highlighted edge to define the chamfer distance along the edge. Enter Input Type in a value for the chamfer distance along the highlighted edge.

10 4. Pick or enter values to describe the chamfer lengths along the edge. After selecting the first vertex Pro/E highlights the other edges, one at a time, so that one can place the other two vertices. 5. Select OK button in the dialog box. FOLLOWING FIGURE SHOWS EDGE AND CORNER CHAMFERS CLEARLY AND DISTINCTLY. Corner Chamfer Edge Chamfer

11 8. Sweeps A sweep is created by sketching or selecting a trajectory and then sketching a section to follow along it. A sweep is created in the following manner. Part=>Feature=>Feat=>Create=>Solid=>Protrusion=>Sweep =>Solid=>Done=>Sketch Traj=>Pick=>Okay=>Sketch view =>Default Now we show sweeps through examples

12 The sketch to be swept The swept sketch EXAMPLE 1

13 The sketch to be swept The swept sketch EXAMPLE 2

14 9. Blends A blended feature consists of a series of at least two planner sections that are joined together at the edges with transitional surfaces to form a continuous feature. Two types of blends we will discuss. One is the straight blend and the other is the smooth blend. Blends (straight/smooth) are created in the following manner. Part=>Feature=>Feat=>Create=>Solid=>Protrusion=>Blend=>Done =>Parallel Blend=>Done=>Pick=>Okay=>Default

15 Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 3 Circle Circle Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 3 1. Straight Blend EXAMPLE

16 2. Smooth Blend Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 3 Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 3 EXAMPLE

17 10. Helical Sweeps A helical sweep is created by sweeping a section along a helical trajectory. The trajectory is defined by both the profile of the surface of revolution (which defines the distance from the section origin of the helical feature to its axis of revolution) and the pith (the distance between coils). A helical sweep is created in the following manner. Part=>Feature=>Create=>Solid=>Protrusion=>Advanced=> Helical Sweep=>Done=>Done=>Pick=>Okay=>Default

18 EXAMPLE 1 Circular cross section

19 EXAMPLE 2 Rectangular cross section

20 Solid model of a soap case

21 Another view showing the bosses

22 Solid model of a soap

23 Solid model of a camera

24 Solid model of a dumbbell

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