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Hellenic Republic Ministry of National Defense Special Account of the MoD – Research Projects.

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1 Hellenic Republic Ministry of National Defense Special Account of the MoD – Research Projects

2 Special Account for the funding of MoD Research Projects and Studies

3 Special Account Institutional Framework Title: Special Account for the funding of MoD Research Projects and Studies Relevant Legislation JMD 249991/2007 (GG 846/30-05-2007/is. Β) JMD F.800/78/131819 (GG 1814/01-09-2009/is. Β) JMD F.800/154/136981 (GG 2689/10-11-2011/is. Β)

4 Special Account Aims Efficient use of the MoD revenues from grants and subsidies by the EU, Government Bodies, NGOs and other domestic and foreign agencies. Funding of research projects and studies of the Army Geographical Service, the Navy Hydrographic Service, the Armed Forces’ Military Academies, Research Centers, Hospital units and Defense Industries under MoD jurisdiction. Funding of services deriving from and provided for the implementation and execution of these projects.

5 Special Account Aims Full and substantial participation of the Armed Forces, through the function of the Special Account, in co- funded Research & Development (R&D)projects, financed by: The E.C., through the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) The General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT). Other agencies.

6 Special Account Administration Bodies S.A. Administration Committee GDFPS* General Director and up to their appointment, the GDFPS/DF** Director NDRTC*** Executive Director and up to their appointment the Director of General Staff Research Centre. Deans of the Armed Forces’ Military Academies GDFPS/DF and GDDIE/DRTD**** Directors Head of the Minister’s Legal Department Secretary of the Special Account Chairman Members Rapporteur non-voting *GDFPS: MoD General Directorate for Financial Planning and Support **GDFPS/DF: GDFPS Department of Finance ***NDRTC: National Defense Research and Technology Center ****GDDIE/DRTD: General Directorate for Defense Investments and Equipment / Department for Research and Technology Development

7 Special Account Administration Bodies S.A. Treasury Committee GDFPS/DF Budget Sector Head Officer Two (2) commissioned Officers from GDFPS/DF S.A. Secretariat GDFPS/DMEDP Director Accountable Central Administrator of the Special Central Treasury Administration of the S.A. Partial Administrators of the Special Central Treasury Administration of the S.A. Other administrative staff

8 Special Account Resources Grants from EU financing agencies, within the framework of approved projects, actions, events etc. Grants and subsidies by Research Centers, Government Agencies, NGOs, sectoral bodies, individuals and legal entities or staff associations which do not constitute foreign or domestic legal entities. Revenues from patents and research products, donations, provisions and subsidies.

9 Special Account Financed Expenditure Expenditure aiming at achieving the goals of the S.A. (provided these goals are set within the scope of approved research projects): Equipment supply Expendables supply Participation in work meetings home and abroad Organization of scientific conferences and congresses Expenditure for other activities, provided these activities fall under the scope of approved projects and studies Expenditure for the organization of scientific congresses, symposiums and conferences Expenditure for studies on subjects of interest for the Armed Forces

10 Framework Programme 7 FP7

11 Framework Programme 7 Regulatory Framework Initiative of the EU in the area of Research and Development Gathers all EU initiatives relevant to R&D under one common framework. Four basic actions categories: 1.Cooperation 2.Ideas 3.People 4.Capacities Projects according to the main areas of European policy on research and development.

12 Framework Programme 7 Research Areas


14 Framework Programme 7 Research Areas Budget

15 Framework Programme 7 Cooperation Health Energy Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Information and Communication Technologies Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies Environment (including Climate Change) Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities Space Security

16 Framework Programme 7 Cooperation Budget

17 Framework Programme 7 Cost Growth for R&D in the EU

18 Framework Programme 7 Projects Participation Right to participate according to the Programme’s regulatory provisions Call issue based on EU research policies Submission of proposals (usually by Consortia) in relation to issued calls Financing amounts to 50% - 100%. National contribution may be in kind (personnel WM, resource allocation etc.) Participation possibilities in cooperation projects: 1. Companies - Corporations 2. Academic Institutions 3. Research Centers 4. Organizations - Agencies (Public – Private) 5. Individuals

19 Framework Programme 7 Proposal Evaluation Evaluation by experts invited by the E.C. Competitive assessment between proposals Evaluation criteria in three (3) categories with the same weight: 1. Science and Technology (S&T) 2. Consortium 3. Impact Successful evaluation: ~10% of proposals (depending on the category)

20 Framework Programme 7 Future & Prospects H ORIZO N 2020

21 Management and Monitoring Agency for MoD Co-funded Projects D EPARMENT FOR THE M ANAGEMENT OF E UROPEAN AND D EVELOPMENT P ROJECTS

22 GDFPS/DMEDP Function The Department of the Management of European and Development Projects (DMEDP) is subordinate to the General Directorate for Financial Planning Support (GDFPS). Competent Department for the management and monitoring of all (non-military) MoD co-funded projects. Website:

23 GDFPS/DMEDP Organizational Chart

24 GDFPS/DMEDP Research Projects FundingProject TitleBudget (€)State FP7 - Protection of European Borders and Seas through the intelligent Use of Surveillance (PERSEUS) 42.122.767,80In progress FP7 - Interoperability of Data and procedures in large-scale multinational Disaster Response Actions (IDIRA) 10.904.486,60In progress GSRT – Development of a Climate Information Geographical System (GEOCLIMA) 622.075,70In progress

25 MoD Research Projects in progress

26 New Research Projects Participation Process Actions required by MoD services for their participation in new research projects (indicatively): Cooperate with Institutions (domestic or European) for detailed definition of research objective. Establish Consortium for the formation of the research proposal Define the service role in the proposed project Find call for the submission of the project proposal Inform GDFPS/DMEDP in order to initiate the approval process for the submission of proposal.

27 New Research Projects Participation Process Formal update on the function of the Special Account and the research participation possibilities for Armed Forces services and agencies: MoD services (Military Academies, Research Centers, Hospital units, Meteorological Service, Geographic Service, Hydrographic Service etc). Presentation organization capability by GDFPS/DMEDP Hellenic Academic Institutions General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) – Update of supervised services and website link Public and Private Defense Industry PRAXIS Network (FP7 National Contact Point)

28 New Research Projects Participation Process Implementation of flexible procedures for approval of MoD agencies and services participation in new research projects: Submission of participation proposal through email to Required attachment of relevant information form containing: 1.Proposal Information 2.Service Information 3.Role, objective, and benefits for the service deriving from its participation to the project. Relative information and form template available in Approval process initiated by GDFPS/DMEDP

29 New Research Projects Participation Process

30 New Research Projects GDFPS/DMEDP Contribution How does GDFPS/DMEDP contribute in research projects? Support of the proposal formation and submission process as a whole, in technical – managerial aspects. Undertaking the management of the project, in case of positive evaluation and funding, to support the participating Service which will be responsible for the actual implementation.

31 Points of Contact GDFPS/DMEDP Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR): - Lt Colonel Georgios Delis, PhD, DMEDP Director SPECIAL ACCOUNT SECRETARY Tel.: +30 210 6598158 Email: Project Management & Monitoring Sector Head: - Lt Colonel Georgios Kanterakis, PhD Tel.: +30 210 6598184 Email: Research projects management: - Captain Ioannis Zormpas Tel.: +30 210 6598645 Email: - Athanasia Karapanagiotou, MBA Tel.: +30 210 6598183 Email:

32 MoD Special Account SECRETARIAT Thank you for your attention We are at your disposal for questions and remarks.

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