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Process Intensification Methodologies Applied to Liquid-Liquid Systems in Structured Equipment An EU Framework 7 NMP project The research leading to these.

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Presentation on theme: "Process Intensification Methodologies Applied to Liquid-Liquid Systems in Structured Equipment An EU Framework 7 NMP project The research leading to these."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process Intensification Methodologies Applied to Liquid-Liquid Systems in Structured Equipment An EU Framework 7 NMP project The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° NMP2-SL-2008-214599

2 Link with other EU NMP projects ProjectFundingValue / DurationObjectives EU F6 NMP €17m 2005 - 2009 Industry-led collaborative research into radical innovation for chemical production technologies EU FP7 NMP €5.5m 2009 – 2012 New PI methodologies applied to liquid-liquid systems in structured equipment EU FP7 NMP €30m 2009 – 2013 A new paradigm in modular, sustainable production technology validated on seven industrial projects EU FP7 NMP €11m 2011 – 2015 New methodology and novel catalytic systems for chemical production EU FP7 NMP €11m 2009 -2013 Develop modular production and factory concept using adaptable plants with flexible output EU FP7 NMP €10m 2010 - 2014 Modern polymer-based catalysts and microflow conditions as key element of innovations in fine chemical synthesis

3 Technical context for project Two phase liquid-liquid reactions are important chemical processes Operation and control can be problematic - often batch or semi-batch processing with sub-optimal operation L-L reactions are often run to the limitations of existing equipment Drive to develop sustainable and differentiated processes with lower capital and operating costs Continuous processing using structured equipment (e.g. micro- reactors) has the potential to overcome current limitations Numerous examples at research level but few compelling examples of processes run at manufacturing scale

4 Project Overview Project Value€5.5m (€3.5m EU funding) Duration: 40 months ( Jan 2009 – Mar 2012) Objective:  Development and validation of a process design methodology for two-phase liquid-liquid reactions,  Demonstration in commodity & specialty chemicals.  Develop improved understanding of multiphase processes and the design and operation of appropriate micro/meso-structured reactors Partners:

5 Project participants PartnerEU StateRole Chemistry InnovationUKProject coordinator FCTUCPT Knowledge provider EPFLCH Knowledge provider WUTPL Knowledge provider IMMD Technology provider FluidinovaPT Technology provider BritestUK Methodology/Industry partnership GivaudanCH End-user Specialty chemicals HuntsmanBE End-user Commodity chemicals CUFPT End-user Commodity chemicals

6 Project structure WP1: Project coordination WP3: Design of tailored structured devices Micro- & milli-structured Reactors Netmix®-derived mesostructured reactors WP4A: Device development and characterization Multipurpose plant Reactor, separator, crystallizer, etc. Commodity chemicals WP2: Modelling & Process Description Mathematical modelling and numerical simulations to develop understanding of interaction between sub- processes and equipment structures WP5: Generic knowledge/toolkit Development Develop generic understanding for dev. of processes and equipment Speciality fine chemicals Experimental Research Facility micro meso Device scale micro meso Process scale WP6: Training activities. E-learning, demonstrations, website, dissemination events, degree module WP4B: Final device and plant testing

7 Project outputs Improved fundamental understanding of processes and design requirements Development and validation of a design methodology & criteria for dealing with two-phase liquid/liquid-reactions New generation of flexible and high-performance process equipment Improved sustainability of chemical processes Dissemination of outputs via: – Mid-term and end of project events – E-learning packages and practical demonstration – Training materials for HEIs – The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° NMP2-SL-2008-214599

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