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History of the Old Testament The Divided Monarchy in the 9th Century 1 Kings 12-22; 2 Chronicles 10-20.

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2 History of the Old Testament The Divided Monarchy in the 9th Century 1 Kings 12-22; 2 Chronicles 10-20

3 The Monarchy Divides (1 Kings 12-14; 2 Chronicles 10-12)  Rehoboam to the Throne  no immediate rivals to challenge Rehoboam’s ascension to throne  Jeroboam (former overseer of forced labor), returned (cf.. 1 Kg. 11:26-40).

4  Jeroboam’s Request: relief! from heavy taxation & forced labor

5  Rehoboam’s Taunt: 1 Kg. 12:1-19; 2 Chr. 10  The Secession:  control the crowd!  sent current master of forced labor  but …  “To your tents, O Israel!”

6  only Judah remained loyal to Rehoboam  Rehoboam attempts to invade  Shemaiah stopped him: divine judgment (1 Kg. 12:20-24; 2 Chr. 11:1-4; cf. 1 Kg. 11:29-33)  Benjamites divided (1 Kg. 12:20) : between  Judah vs.  northern tribes of secession Jeroboam Crowned

7  only Judah remained loyal to Rehoboam  Rehoboam attempts to invade  Shemaiah stopped him: divine judgment (1 Kg. 12:20-24; 2 Chr. 11:1-4; cf. 1 Kg. 11:29-33)  Benjamites divided (1 Kg. 12:20) : between  Judah vs.  northern tribes of secession Jeroboam Crowned

8 Major Religious Repercussions 2 Rival Shrines Established:  Dan, in use since the Tribal League... and...  Bethel, ancient holy place (Jacob’s dream) cf. Ge. 29) 2 Rival Shrines Established:  Dan, in use since the Tribal League... and...  Bethel, ancient holy place (Jacob’s dream) cf. Ge. 29)

9 Northern Religious Syncretism (1 Kg. 12:25-33)  religious syncretism  rejected God's covenant w/David (1 Kg. 12:25-33)  Prophet’s Prediction: doom upon Jeroboam's Bethel shrine (1 Kg. 13; 2 Kg. 23:15-18)  Ahijah’s Pronouncement: eventual exile to Mesopotamia, upon the dynasty of Jeroboam Canaanite paganism (1 Kg. 14:1-20)

10 Rehoboam Fortifies Defense Cities  Levites & priests from the north flee to the south (2 Chr. 11:5-23)  Early on: faithful to Yahweh Later: snare of syncretism  Shishak of Egypt: invades Judah from the south, creating a vassal state (1 Kg. 14:21-31; 2 Chr. 12)

11 Troubled Early 9th Century (1 Kings 15-16; 2 Chronicles 13-16) Evaluation of the Kings:  South “Judah”  North “Israel” or “Ephraim”  South Compared to David & Jeroboam


13 North  All were evil without exception; followed Jeroboam’s syncretism South:  remained loyal to the covenant & to the dynasty of David North:  rejected rejected the covenant of David; saw the rise & fall of 8 dynasties

14 2 Histories of National Israel First: Samuel and Kings Second: Chronicles First: follows both north & south; evaluates in light of the code of Deuteronomy Second: follows only the south

15 2 Histories of National Israel First: faults of kings Second:  good qualities  plays down their sin  concerned w/the temple in Jerusalem, its officials, and its place in the history of the southern kingdom

16 Kings of Judah: a Mixed Bag (1 Kg. 15:1-24; 2 Chr. 15-16)  Abijah:  continued in Rehoboam's sins, though successfully weakened northern nation by warring under the banner of religious purity  Asa (son):  attempted reforms, not fully  eventually apathetic toward God (1 Kg. 15:1-24; 2 Chr. 15-16).

17 Kings of Israel: a Royal Mess (1 Kg. 15:25--16:34)  Nadab (Jeroboam's son):  assassinated by Baasha.  Elah (Baasha's son):  assassinated by Zimri,  seven-days suicide  Small civil war: Tibni & Omri  Omri, the new king,  succeeded by his son Ahab (1 Kg. 15:25--16:34)

18 Elijah & the Omri Dynasty (1 Kings 17-22; 2 Chr. 18)  Floodgates of Religious Syncretism  Violation of the Deuteronomic Code:  Ahab, 2nd king:  floodgates of religious syncretism opened wide in open & flagrant violation of the Deuteronomic code

19 The LORD is my God Elijah

20 Elijah’s Confrontation... a la Moses & Pharaoh Confrontation #1 (1 Kg. 17)  challenged the nation with a 3-yr drought  God preserved his life...  by ravens  by a widow in Syria

21 Confrontation #2 (1 Kg. 18)  challenged Ahab & Canaanite prophets at Mt. Carmel to a divine contest  deity who answered by fire God!!  prayed, calling fire out of heaven to consume the sacrifice  executed all the false prophets


23 Confrontation #3 (1 Kg. 19)  Elijah fled to Mt. Horeb (Sinai) to touch the very roots of his Deuteronomic faith.

24 Meanwhile, back at the ranch...  Ahab: cont’d violating Deuteronomic code- requirements of holy war (1 Kg. 20)  Jezebel:  stole a free Israelite's property  murdered him  dynastic death sentence (1 Kg. 21)  historian's evaluation: There was never a man like Ahab who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife (1 Kg. 21:25).

25 Meanwhile, back at the ranch...  Ahab: cont’d violating Deuteronomic code- requirements of holy war (1 Kg. 20)  Jezebel: annexed a free Israelite's property after having him murdered dynastic death sentence (1 Kg. 21)  historian's evaluation: There was never a man like Ahab who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife (1 Kg. 21:25).

26 Reforms of Jehoshaphat (1 Kg. 22:41-53; 2 Chr. 17, 19-20) Reforms attempted to continue reforms initiated by Asa...  sent teaching priests into Judah to explain the Torah (1 Kg. 22:41-50; 2 Chr. 17)  appointed magistrates to judge civil cases in accord with the Torah (2 Chr. 19)  sought Yahweh re Moab and Ammon in the ancient manner of holy war. God gave victory (2 Chr. 20)

27 Not Far Enough (2 Chr. 19:1-2; 20:35-37)  commendation marred  censured (2xs) for making alliances with northern Israel, a spiritually bankrupt nation

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