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Dividing Fractions by Fractions 6A Academic Lab Math Intervention Lesson 2 of Dividing Fractions by Fractions.

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Presentation on theme: "Dividing Fractions by Fractions 6A Academic Lab Math Intervention Lesson 2 of Dividing Fractions by Fractions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dividing Fractions by Fractions 6A Academic Lab Math Intervention Lesson 2 of Dividing Fractions by Fractions

2 Let’s watch two video clips explaining what it means to divide fractions by fractions. Quick Review: Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers Using Models ◦ whole-numbers-using-models whole-numbers-using-models  This video is just over 5 minutes. Further Explanation: Dividing Fractions by Fractions Using Models ◦ fractions-using-models fractions-using-models  This video is just 5 minutes.

3 Using arrays to model dividing fractions by fractions.

4 P1P2P3 P4P1P2 P3P4 ?? P1P2P3 P4P1P2 P3P4

5 Using the standard algorithm to divide fractions by fractions Using the same lasagna pan from the array model, let’s solve this division problem using the standard algorithm.

6 Compare the model to the algorithm, which method makes sense to you! Array Model Solution Standard Algorithm: Calculation process/steps Each person would receive 2 full squares and ½ of another square for a total of 2½. P1P2P3 P4P1P2 P3P4 P1 P2 P3 P4

7 Student Practice- On a piece of paper, make an ARRAY MODEL to help you complete the division problem. Remember! Use a rectangle or square array! Pies and pizzas don’t have to be drawn as a circle!

8 Student Practice- On a piece of paper, make an ARRAY MODEL to help you complete the division problem. Remember! Pies and pizzas don’t have to be drawn as a circle! Use a rectangle or square array! First, create an array model with 10 equal size pieces then shade the remaining 9 pieces leaving the piece that Brooke ate empty. Second, equally share the remaining FULL pieces between the 3 friends. Third, count the number of pieces for each friend. Finally, how many equal pieces will each friend get? Friend1Friend2Friend3Friend1Friend2 Friend3Friend1Friend2Friend3 3 out of 10 TOTAL pieces = 3/10

9 Student Practice- On a piece of paper, solve this same problem but using the standard division of fractions algorithm. Remember! Use a rectangle or square array! Pies and pizzas don’t have to be drawn as a circle!

10 Student Practice- On a piece of paper, solve this same problem but using the standard division of fractions algorithm. 3

11 Congrats YOU have completed Lesson #2 of dividing fractions by fractions!

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