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Welcome to Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

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1 Welcome to Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School
P4 Meet The Parents Briefing 2015

2 SH PAL / Student Leadership
Our Management Team Mdm Thong Hoi Non Principal Mrs Han Lee Kwang Vice-Principal Ms Teo Xiwen HOD MTL Ms Goh Seok Luan HOD Science Mdm See Soo Peng HOD CCE Ms Elsie Kwan HOD PE / CCA Mdm Yang Tzy Shing Year Head Mdm Sharon SSD Mr Hatta HOD/ICT Mr Eric Lim (AM) Mr Nada (OM) Ms Inderjeet Kaur LH EL Ms Suriyanti bte Said SH ML/NE Mr Eric Wu LH Math Mr Steven Lim LH Science (Int) Mr Kamala Durai SH Pastoral Care Ms Fanny Cheong SH PAL / Student Leadership Mdm Diana Foo SH ICT / MRL Mdm Seah Chin Yi SH Aesthetics

Respectful, Resilient and Responsible leader Self-Directed learner Concerned and Active Citizen


5 School Mission A caring school that provides quality learning experiences for every child to develop good character, pursue academic excellence and acquire life skills for the future.

6 Continuous Learning Gratitude Excellence
School Values Continuous Learning Respect Integrity Innovation Gratitude Excellence

7 School Directions 2015 1. School culture Enhance overall tone and culture 2. Teaching and Learning Levelling up our teaching and learning capabilities 3. Quality experience of students Character and Citizenship Education inculcating values and building competencies

8 Nurturing our Young for the Future Self-directed Learner
Confident Person Self-directed Learner Concerned Citizen Active Contributor

9 Subject-Based Banding (SBB)

10 Subject-Based Banding (SBB)
Previous System (before 2008) Students who did not perform well in Primary 4 Examinations - Streamed into EM3 classes in Primary 5 and 6 - Took all subjects at the foundation level - Might take Mother Tongue (MT) at the standard level if they were strong in MT

11 Subject-Based Banding (SBB)
Why introduce Subject-Based Banding? To recognise the different abilities of students - Provide more flexibility in subject combinations for students with strengths and abilities that vary across subjects Removal of Merged and EM3 streams in Primary 5 and 6

12 Subject-Based Banding (SBB)
What Subject-Based Banding means to your child Greater flexibility in subject combinations Your child has the choice to take a combination of standard and foundation subjects, depending on his strengths

13 Subject-Based Banding (SBB)
Rationale and Intent Providing our weaker pupils a differentiated curriculum that would best maximise their potential. These pupils may have particular strengths, and we should develop them as much as possible by offering them specific subjects at a higher (standard) level of study.

14 Subject-Based Banding (SBB)
Standard vs. Foundation Subject Foundation subjects put focus on mastery of core content and skills. These are pitched at a lower level as compared to the corresponding standard subject.

15 Subject-Based Banding (SBB)
What are the choices available? If your child (for P4 exam) Your child may be recommended to take Passes all 4 subjects and performs very well in MTL 4 standard subjects + Higher Mother Tongue Language Passes 3 or 4 subjects 4 standard subjects Passes 2 subjects or less 3 standard subjects + 1 other foundation subject; or 2 standard subjects + 2 other foundation subjects; or 1 standard subject + 3 other foundation subjects; or 4 foundation subjects

16 Subject-Based Banding (SBB)
At P4 to P5 School recommends a subject combination based on students’ school-based exam results. Parents fill up an option form to indicate preferred combination. At P5 to P6 Students take subject combination chosen by the school.

17 School life Is a marathon


19 Work Closely & Constructively with the School
Work with and support the teachers Don’t undermine the teachers in school

20 Work Closely & Constructively with the School
Teachers also need affirmation and encouragement - Send appreciation s - Thank you note - Share with them positive things they have done

21 Our Appeal It is always about the pupils! Our Philosophy : It takes a whole village to raise a child Our Appeal: If there are lapses, please show understanding. Provide feedback and give us your inputs, we will respond

22 Communication Tel: Fax: Pupil Handbook Form Teacher, Dept Head Assistant Year Head – Mdm Hidaya Year Head – Ms Eliza Goh

23 Prepare our children for the
Test of Life And not A life of Tests


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