COMMON MEASURES. Training Objectives Review Common Measures data sources Discuss Reports and Desk Aids.

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2 Training Objectives Review Common Measures data sources Discuss Reports and Desk Aids

3 Introduction Adult Common Measures apply to – Wagner-Peyser – VETS – WIA – Trade Act – WorkFirst (ESD) Youth Common Measures apply to WIA program participants

4 Significant Policy Concepts Who counts as a participant? – All individuals who are determined eligible and receive a qualifying service, including self-service and informational activities in a physical location or remotely via electronic technologies – Qualifying services are identified in the Services Catalog – Locally-defined services and Follow-up services do not trigger or extend participation

5 Significant Policy Concepts – Self-services only identified through Go2Worksource trigger participation for W-P and WIA and extend participation – Date of participation is the date of the initial program-funded service and may not be common across programs

6 Significant Policy Concepts Who are included in the performance measures? – All W-P participants who receive a qualifying service, including those who only receive self- service or informational activities and are exited – WIA program enrollees who receive a qualifying service – VETS, TAA and WF program enrollees who receive a qualifying service and are exited

7 Significant Policy Concepts Exit Policy – Definition- a participant who has not received a qualifying service funded by the program or by a partner program for 90 consecutive calendar days and is not scheduled for future services – Common exit date applied across all programs – Exit date is system-generated; not entered by staff – Exit date is the date of the last service received

8 Significant Policy Concepts – Documented gaps in service (HOLD) up to 180 days can extend the point of exit – Locally-defined services and FOLLOW-UP services do not extend the point of exit – “Exit Outcome” is being changed to “Program Outcome” and indicates the reason the participant is no longer receiving program services – Program outcome dates may or may not match the system-generated exit date

9 Program Outcome

10 Significant Policy Concepts Self-Employment – Can be counted for Entered Employment Rate and Retention measures but not for Average Earnings – Requires that the employment goal be identified as “Self-Employment” – Requires documentation of self-employment in Q1, Q2 and Q3 after exit quarter

11 Entered Employment Rate

12 Entered Employment Rate Data Sources Definition – Of those not employed at the date of participation: – # of adults who are employed in the first quarter after the exit quarter divided by the # of adults who exit during the quarter

13 Entered Employment Rate Data Sources Employed at date of participation: Core Services Basic/General screen- “Employment Status” field or Seeker Programs/Program Enrollment/Program Details screen- “Employment Status” field Employed in Q1 after exit: UI WA State wage records (see Follow-up/TAXIS Wage Progression screen- “Total Wages” field) plus WRIS out-of-state wage records plus Follow- up/Service Plan/Services- “Follow-up Needed Services” field in association with Service Plan goal of “Self-Employment” plus other non-SKIES administrative wage records Exit date system-generated but not presently in SKIES

14 Employment Status

15 Employment Status at Participation

16 Employment in Q1 After Exit

17 Self Employment in Q1 After Exit

18 Employment Retention Rate

19 Retention Rate Data Sources Definition – Of those who are employed in Q1 after exit: – # of adults who are employed in both Q2 and Q3 after the exit quarter divided by the # of adults who exit during the quarter – Includes those adults employed at date of participation as well as those adults not employed at date of participation

20 Retention Rate Data Sources Employed in Q1 and Q2 and Q3 after exit: UI WA State wage records (see Follow-up/TAXIS Wage Progression screen- “Total Wages” field) plus WRIS out-of-state wage records plus Follow-up/Service Plan/Services- “Follow-up Needed Services” field in association with Service Plan goal of “Self- Employment” plus other non-SKIES administrative wage records Exit date system-generated but not presently in SKIES

21 Average Earnings

22 Average Earnings Data Sources Definition – Of those adults who are employed in Q1, Q2, and Q3 after the exit quarter: – Total earnings in Q2 plus total earnings in Q3 after the exit quarter divided by # of adults who exit during the quarter

23 Average Earnings Data Sources Employed in Q1and Q2 and Q3 after exit: UI WA State wage records (see Follow-up/TAXIS Wage Progression screen- “Total Wages” field) plus WRIS out-of-state wage records plus other non-SKIES administrative wage records Excludes self-employment from measure Exit date system-generated but not presently in SKIES

24 Youth Measures

25 Youth Measures – WIA Only 3 Youth measures: – Placement in Employment or Education – Attainment of Degree or Certificate – Literacy and Numeracy Gains

26 Placement in Employment or Education Data Sources Definition – Of those youth who are not in post-secondary education or employment (including military) at the date of participation: – # of youth who are employed (including military) or enrolled in post-secondary education and/or advanced training/occupational skills training in Q1 after the exit quarter divided by # of youth who exit during the quarter

27 Post Secondary Education Status

28 Employment Status

29 Placement in Employment or Education Data Sources Employed in Q1 after exit: UI WA State wage records (see Follow-up/TAXIS Wage Progression screen- “Total Wages” field) plus WRIS out-of-state wage records plus Follow- up/Service Plan/Services- “Follow-up Needed Services” field in association with Service Plan goal of “Self-Employment” plus other non- SKIES administrative wage records

30 Placement in Employment or Education Data Sources Enrolled in post-secondary education or advanced/occupational skills training: Seeker Programs/Program Enrollment- “Program Outcome” field and Follow-Up Plan/Services- “Follow-up Needed Services” field Exit date system-generated but not presently in SKIES

31 Post Secondary/Advanced Training At Exit

32 Post-Secondary/Advanced Training in Q1 After Exit

33 Attainment of Degree or Certificate Data Sources Definition – Of those youth enrolled in education at the date of participation or anytime during participation: – # of youth who attain a diploma, GED, or certificate by the end of Q3 after the exit quarter divided by # of youth who exit during the quarter

34 Attainment of Degree or Certificate Data Sources Enrolled in education – includes participation in secondary school, post-secondary school, adult education programs or other program leading to a degree or certificate Excludes work readiness and locally- recognized certificates Includes participants who leave the program and return to secondary school

35 Attainment of Degree or Certificate Data Sources Enrolled in education – Seeker Programs/Program Details- “In School?” field; or Service Plan/Services- “Provider Service” field with “PURSUING GED/DIPLOMA/CERTIFICATE (YOUTH ONLY) service; or Seeker Programs/Program Enrollment- ”Program Outcome” field with “ATTENDING SECONDARY SCHOOL” OR “ATTENDING ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL” outcomes Degree or Certificate - Service Plan/Services- “Actual Outcome” field; or Education assessment/Education History- “Certificate Name” and “Completion Date” fields or “Degree” and “Completion Date” fields; or Follow-Up Plan/Services- “Follow-up Needed Services” field

36 Degree or Certificate





41 Literacy and Numeracy Gains Data Sources Definition – Of those out-of-school youth who are basic skills deficient: – # of youth who increase one or more educational functional levels divided by # of youth who have completed a year in the program (one year from date of initial youth program service) plus # of youth who exit before completing one year in the program

42 Out-Of-School Youth

43 Basic Skills Deficiency

44 Literacy/Numeracy






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