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Scotland … evolving Graham Allan University of the West of Scotland.

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1 Scotland … evolving Graham Allan University of the West of Scotland

2 Scotland – policy CIAG in Scotland, A Framework for Service Redesign and Improvement (2011) ‘The Scottish Government is committed to all-age, universal Career IAG, with more and better support for those who need it most … especially for those who may struggle to get, stay and progress in work’ Opportunities for All (2012) – a place in learning or training for all 16-19 year olds not in EET ‘Where young people feel they may not yet be ready to engage in formal learning, local authorities and their partners should consider offering an Activity Agreement’

3 Scotland – policy Wood Commission (2013) Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce Interim Report – enhanced employer role in vocational learning in schools; start careers work earlier; support modern apprenticeships ‘There is a very strong focus in our report on the importance of business and industry working with schools and colleges as a key factor in ensuring young people are more prepared for employment and better informed in career choice’ ‘There is a strong case to provide careers advice and knowledge of the world of work significantly earlier than the present S4 onward. Skills Development Scotland, working with schools and local authorities, should aim to provide some early careers advice and world of work knowledge in S1 and S3’ Modern apprenticeships should have ‘… a particular focus on STEM opportunities [and include] SME's’ = National Careers Council, An Aspirational Nation (2013)

4 Scotland - education Curriculum for Excellence (Scottish Government) – includes cross curricular theme to develop Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work ie delivery of career education through the curriculum … but still much work to be done to underpin this with career related learning resources particularly for the senior school = ACEG Framework (2012) Career Management Skills Framework (SDS) – schools are expected to deliver lessons to develop career management skills while SDS will focus its attention on working with specific groups with specific issues, but… ‘career uncertainty should be a marker of the need for personal contact with a careers adviser’ (CES Research paper)

5 Scotland - practice SDS heavily promoting its web-based offer: My World of Work = National Careers Service; DfE Careers Guidance Action Plan (2013) SDS develop a ‘coaching’ approach to supporting those most in need: career coach in school/ work coach post school Employability and partnership eg young people negotiating Activity Agreements (local authorities), Employability Fund to fund individualised training (SDS), Community Planning Partnerships to manage local responses to youth unemployment and training

6 Other bits of the jigsaw… Closer partnership working between SDS and JobCentre Plus (PACE initiative – Partnership Action for Continuing Employment) Education Scotland (HMI) – will conduct external evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of CIAG provision of SDS = Ofsted Report, Going in the Right Direction? (2013) New Regional Colleges – college amalgamations/ focus on employability and needs of regional economies … whither career guidance Higher Education – employability and Matrix ‘A Qualifications and CPD Framework for the Career Development Workforce in Scotland’: Pg Diploma/ QCGD identified as the ‘core’ qualification for the career guidance practitioner in Scotland; Postgraduate Benchmark updated in 2013 to reflect changes in job roles and context; SDS significant sponsor of distance learning students as key workers become career guidance practitioners (work coaches)

7 7 Room for development …

8 References Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce (2013) Interim Report of the Wood Commission. rce Education Scotland (2009) Curriculum for Excellence: Building the Curriculum 4 Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work. Livingston: Education Scotland. gyourcurriculum/btc/btc4.asp Howieson, C., and Semple, S. (2011) Help yourself: can career websites make a difference? University of Edinburgh, Centre for Educational Sociology, Briefing No 56, October 2011. Scottish Government (2011) Career Information, Advice and Guidance in Scotland. A Framework for Service Redesign and Improvement. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. Scottish Government (2012) A Qualifications and Continuous Professional Development Framework for the Career Development Workforce in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. Scottish Government (November 2012) Opportunities for All: Supporting all young people to participate in post-16 learning, training or work. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. Skills Development Scotland (2012) Career Management Skills Framework for Scotland. Glasgow: Skills Development Scotland. %202012.pdf

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