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Gorazd Jenko Member of S4 team Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy; Republic of Slovenia Pamplona, January 20 th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Gorazd Jenko Member of S4 team Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy; Republic of Slovenia Pamplona, January 20 th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gorazd Jenko Member of S4 team Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy; Republic of Slovenia Pamplona, January 20 th, 2015

2 2

3 Innovation Union Scoreboard 2014 3

4 Share of 07-13 CP for Innovation & RTDI 4 Source: EC, 2014: Strategic report; Factsheet: Innovation and RTD investments

5 5 End 2013 The Wheel

6 S4 genesis 2013- first round: ▫1/2: MEDT - S3 concept ▫May - July 2013: Chamber of Commerce: S3 1.0 ▫August: MEDT: S3 1.1 ▫September – November: MEDT: S3 1.2 ▫December: EC opinion 2014: ▫January – February: critical public response – partly not enough involvement of business ▫April – June: Second round of S3 preparation ▫17.7.: S3 2.0 – after 1st interministerial consultation ▫29.8.: S3 2.1.  after 2nd interministerial consultation 2015: ? – still planned to be finished by end of Q1 2015. Reasons for delay..? 6

7 S4- second phase built around ▫New (open) concept of S4: urban/rural; high-tech/traditional; tech/non-tech; ind/services; social innovation ▫Empirical analysis – industries … to the level of individual firm … particular lessons, learning  direct interaction ▫to aspire for more experimentation and flexibility in policy making ▫… as a direction setting tool (inward dimension) and as a branding tool (outward dimension) ▫The role of „intermediaries“: universities, chambers, network of public research organisations, academies, clusters, networks, centres… ▫NGOs, student organisations, innovators,… + 50 written initiatives/„business cases“ 700+ pages  forward looking + International dimension: SmartSpec, PeerReview, Empirical analysis, building on existing networks & initiatives, cluster mapping, Macro-regional initiatives… + Strategic partnerships for the future


9 Priority seeting: Empirical base… A.Revealed technological specialization A.International comparison of industry-level R&R intensity B.Participation in FP7 by industries and priority areas B.Revealed comparative advantage A.WITS data (3-digit NACE2) B.OECD BTDIxE data (2-digit NACE1; intermediate vs. Final goods) C.Inward FDI stock by host industry D.Identification of growing industries A.Positive productivity growth (2008-12) B.Positive export growth (2008-12) E.Identification of significant firms within identified prospective 3-digit industries + I.Assessment of industry innovation potential based on benchmarking of export values, with market leaders  Eurostat Trade Database at 4 digit product group II.Most intensive cooperation areas of science with the economy

10 Vir: SI Brand book, 2007 S4…. is based on Slovenian Identity…

11 Vir: SI Brand book, 2007 … and vision of green Slovenia…

12 … two strategic objectives of the S4 are defined as: I. To develop and position Slovenia as an attractive ecological country of innovation, focused on the development of medium- and high-tech and comprehensive solutions in clearly and strategically defined niche areas where Slovenia has capacities and competences to compete on the global market. II. To establish state of the art, responsive, dynamic, strategically-guided, inclusive and globallly connected research, innovative and entrepreneurial eco-system. 12

13 … that, given SWOT, require particular emphasis on: 13 Knowledge transfer Entrepreneurship, creativity & talent Internationalisation (outward & inward)

14 What do we want to achieve / change? 22 indicators structures by priority area: (selection) To raise the Summary Innovation Index to the average level of five most successful innovation followers (LU, NL, BE, UK, IE, AT)  from the current 0.51 (EC, 2014) to 0.62 (ibid.) by 2020 To raise the share of SMEs which, in the field of innovation, cooperate with other companies and/or PRO: from 13.6% (2010) to the level of the average of the five most successful innovation followers = 17.9%. To increase the share of SMEs which have introduced a product or process innovation: from 32.6% in 2011 to the level of the average of the five most successful innovation followers = 42.2%. To raise the share of high-tech intensive products in the export of goods: from 21.5% (2012) to the level of the EU-15 average = 27.6 To increase export of knowledge-intensive services in total export: from 21.4% (2011)  to halve the gap to the EU average = to raise this share to at least one third 14

15 What do we want to achieve / change? Additionally, specific indicators at a more detailed level will be developed within development partnerships for each of the priority areas including the monitoring at the level of individual (groups) of companies. This includes the indicators such as: -Value added per employee and profitability of companies; -Increased export of key product groups of the S3; -Volume of investments in R&D, the new production facilities and marketing; -Implemented pilot projects by objective and the indicators of the priority areas; -Number of the recipients of scholarships in the priority areas; 15

16 16 I. Entrepreneurial - Innovation Eco – system: HORIZONTAL II. Value Chains & Networks CONCENTRATION 2 PILLARS: comprehensive approach

17 Pillar I 17

18 Materials and technologies Nanotechnology Space technologi es …. Cloud computing …. Sustainable constructio n Renewable sources Energy systems Automatisa tion Wood processing technologies Technologies (2D)  Areas of appl. (3D) Advanced materials Electrical and electronic components and devices SI_ndu stry 4.0.: Smart factori es Smart Buildi ngs & Home Smart Cities & Comm unities Smart Use of Resourc es Healt h

19 SI_ndusty 4.0: smart factories Smart Buildings & Homes Smart Cities & Communities Smart use of resources Health 19

20 Entrepreneurial discovery…: the outcome 20

21 SPS Pillar 2: Policy mix 21 Horizontal measures  HR (5 measures), Promotion SI Economy and Business environment (5 measures) RIS3 Targetted measures  RTDI (8 measures) PPU 1PPU2PPU3PPU4PPU5 RIS3 Vertical measures


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