The LHC: Search for Elementary Building Blocks in Nature Niels Tuning (Nikhef) 13 Nov 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "The LHC: Search for Elementary Building Blocks in Nature Niels Tuning (Nikhef) 13 Nov 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 The LHC: Search for Elementary Building Blocks in Nature Niels Tuning (Nikhef) 13 Nov 2012


3 Particle Physics Study Nature at distances < 10 -15 m atom nucleus Quantum theory describes measurements down to 10 -18 m (Compare: 10 +18 m = 100 lightyears) 10 -15 m

4 Powers of ten… Universe 10 26 m Galaxy 10 21 m Solar system 10 13 m Earth 10 7 m Spider 10 -2 m Atom 10 -10 m Nucleus 10 -15 m Collisions 10 -18 m

5 Particle Physics Questions that were asked for over 2000 years…  What are the elementary building blocks of matter?  What are the forces that act on matter ? Demokritos atom Newton forces Maxwell electromagnetism Einstein All… 400 v.Chr. 1687 1864 1905

6 Why fundamental research? Fundamental research –Can lead to surprises, Sometimes even useful… “Without general relativity, the GPS would be wrong by 10km/day !”

7 Why fundamental research? Fundamental research –Leads to useful spin-off Medical Internet Educating scientists for society (Philips, ASML, etc, etc) PET scanwww


9 Our knowledge in 2012 http://

10 up down electron Elementary particles Proton up down Neutron down up

11 What can you make out of 3 building blocks? periodiek systeem van Mendeleev Everything!

12 Elementary particles quarks Not 1 generation, but 3! leptons (1956) u d I e e (1895) t b III   (1973) (2000) (1978) (1995) c s II   (1936) (1963) (1947) (1976)

13 Fundamentele deeltjes en deeltjesversnellers Is this everything? Charge + 2/3 e - 1/3 e - 1 e 0 e quarks Generation: leptons Matter (1956) u d I e e (1895) t b III   (1973) (2000) (1978) (1995) c s II   (1936) (1963) (1947) (1976)

14 Anti-matter Revolutions early 1900: –Theory of relativity –Quantum Mechanics Paul Dirac (1928): relativistic quantum theory! For every matter particle there is an anti-matter particle! Anti-matter particle: Same mass Opposite electric charge

15 Elementary particles Charge + 2/3 e - 1/3 e - 1 e 0 e quarks leptons Matter (1956) u d I e e (1895) t b III   (1973) (2000) (1978) (1995) c s II   (1936) (1963) (1947) (1976)

16 Elementary particles - 2/3 e + 1/3 e + 1 e 0 e u d c s t b e   e   Anti-matter Lading III I II Lading + 2/3 e - 1/3 e - 1 e 0 e quarks leptons Materie (1956) u d I e e (1895) t b III   (1973) (2000) (1978) (1995) c s II   (1936) (1963) (1947) (1976)

17 How do you make anti-matter?? e+e+ e-e- Albert Einstein: E=mc 2 Matter + anti-matter= light ! (and vice versa) e+e+ e-e-

18 Anti-matter in hospitals: the PET-scan e+e  e+e  e+e  e+e  

19 What are the big questions?

20 I. What are the big questions? “Anti-matter” Where did the anti-matter disappear? No anti-matter found with satellites No anti-matter galaxies

21 II. What are the big questions? “Higgs” Mass of particles Neutrino’s Electron Muon Tau up,down, strange Top quark bottom charm The Higgs boson: provides the ‘formula’ to give particles mass! Amazing prediction:

22 We only studied 4% of the universe! Temperature fluctuations structure formation of galaxies Rotation-curves Gravitational lens What is dark materie ? III. What are the big questions ? “Dark matter”

23 What are the big questions? Anti-matter?? (where did it go??) Dark matter?? (what clustered the galaxies??) Higgs?? (what makes particles heavy?)

24 Waar is de Anti-materie heen?AstronomyParticlePhysicsFundamental (curiosity driven) research

25 The biggest microscope on earth the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Genève

26 The LHC accelerator Geneve

27 The Large Hadron Collider GeneveAmsterdam LHC: 27 km A10: 32 km

28 The LHC machine Energy is limited by power of 1232 dipole magnets: B= 8.4 T

29 40 million collisions per second Beam 1 Beam 2 25 ns = 7.5 m protonen

30 Classical collisions Quantum mechanical collissions proton

31 Niels Tuning Open Dag 2008 Colliding protons

32 What do we expect? Since 30 years there are very precise predictions!

33 Our language Standaard Model Lagrangiaan Bladmuziek (J.S. Bach)

34 At the LHC at Cern: 1) Transform energy into matter Create new particles! How do we discover new particles?

35 At the LHC at Cern: 1) Transform energy into matter 2) New particles change accurate predictions How do we discover new particles?


37 ATLAS LHCb 1) Transform energy into matter 2) New particles change accurate predictions


39 23 sep 2010 19:49:24 Run 79646 Event 143858637 The LHCb Detector

40 LHCb: study B decays 1)Find differences between matter and anti-matter 2)Find new particles b s s b b s μ μ

41 LHCb: study B decays 2)Find new particles b s μ μ B 0 s → μμ B 0 s → μμ?

42 LHCb: study B decays b s μ μ B 0 s → μμ! Only 3 out of 10 9 B particles decay to two muons Prefect prediction! Do new particles exist?

43 ATLAS: What does a collision look like ? proton quark neutrino elektron quark Simulation top quark production

44 human Biggest camera on earth energy electrons and photons energy of “quarks” position and momentum of charged particles magnet muon detector magnet

45 80 MegaPixel camera 40.000.000 foto’s per seconde The Atlas pixel detector

46 The Atlas Muon Detector mens Nikhef CERN Down stairs in the Nikhef hal

47 Normal How is a discovery made? New ? ? muon

48 proton How many Higgs bosons were produced at the LHC up to now 0 If the Higgs does not exist

49 proton How many Higgs bosons were produced at the LHC up to now If the Higgs does exist m h = 120 GeV: 120.000 m h = 200 GeV: 60.000

50 Higgs  ZZ  4 muons very few… 120.000 Higgs bosons Only 1 in 1000 Higgs bosons decays to 4 muons 50% chance that ATLAS detector detects them 60 Higgs  4 lepton events higgs Z Z h  ZZ  l + l - l + l - l+l+ l-l- l-l- l-l- peak !?

51 peak! Higgs  2 photons higgs foton h  γγ verval

52 Presentation CMS en ATLAS experiment: Higgs boson discovery 4 th July 2012

53 What is dark matter? Where did the anti-matter disappear? What makes particles heavy? Big questions Search for elementary building blocks of Nature

54 END

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