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Baroque Italy Kirby Fitzpatrick Laira Kelley Rachel Masterson Christina Pistilli Sydney Toth.

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Presentation on theme: "Baroque Italy Kirby Fitzpatrick Laira Kelley Rachel Masterson Christina Pistilli Sydney Toth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baroque Italy Kirby Fitzpatrick Laira Kelley Rachel Masterson Christina Pistilli Sydney Toth

2 Caravaggio Dramatic naturalism Schooled in Northern Italian Renaissance traditions Worked directly from models Theatrical lighting Violent temper, frequently arrested Painted Naples, Malta, and Sialiy

3 Bacchus Androgynous Bacchus – god of Wine Most of his works after 1600 are religious

4 San Luigi Del Francesi Oil on canvas Contarelli Chapel The Calling of St. Matthew on Left wall Second attempt

5 Calling of St. Matthew Jesus calls Matthew to Become an apostle Levi counting his money Jesus is in the back Beckoning Levi

6 Conversion of St. Paul Cerasi Chapel of Santa Maria del Popolo 2 nd version, first rejected Flung from his horse

7 Francesco Borromini Originally started under his uncle, Carlo Maderno Worked under Bernini’s Supervision with the decoration Of St. Peter’s Very melancholic Committed suicide

8 1638-1667


10 Dome of the Chapel of Saint Ivo

11 Bernini

12 Background info Sculptor for papacy and private clients Painter Playwright Carlo Maderno- teacher/partener

13 Saint Peter’s Basilica Maderno commissioned in 1607 to lengthen nave & design new façade Il Gesu 1629- Maderno dies, job passes to Bernini

14 The Piazza of St. Peter’s Irregular space and existing obelisk and fountain Curved porticos formed by Doric colonnades Straight colonnades inclined “Motherly arms of the Church” Intended to close off piazza completely

15 Baldacchino (canopy) Commisioned by pope Urban VII to direct focus to altar Baroque, multimedia style 100 feet tall, bronze

16 Symbolism

17 Shrine of the Throne of St. Peter (1657-1666) Bronze, gilded stone, & stucco Believed to be throne of St. Peter as first bishop of Rome Descent of Christian authority from St. Peter to current pope

18 Funerary Chapel of Santa Maria della Vittoria Church designed by Maderno Chapel for Venetian Cardinal & family, dedicated to St. Teresa of Á vila

19 Chapel detail Scene of St. Teresa in ecstacy o Angel stabs her, she gets closer to God wanted to capture emotional height of the moment Faux balconies on either side of Cornaro & fam reacting/ reading prayers


21 David (1623) Made for Pope Paul V’s nephew Intended to intrude into viewer’s space and include them in the action

22 compare

23 Artimisia Gentileschi Female artist taught by her father, Orazio Influenced greatly by Carrivaggio First female member of Academy of the Arts of Drawing Naturalistic painter Raped by Cosinio an Tassi, but continued her relationship with Tassi

24 Judith Slaying Holofernes 1614-1620 Oil on canvas 6’x5’ Galleria Degli Uffizi Florence Dark subject matter Interesting background story

25 La Pittura (Self-Portrait as the allegory of painting) 1638-1639 Oil on canvas 3’x2’ Royal Collection Kensington Palace, London Shows the elevated status of Renaissance painters Break from tradition – shows her Skills Symbolism of the chain

26 Susanna and the Elders Gentileschi 1610 120x170

27 Compare

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