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Yuni Jaya Furniture is a business (store) in the fields of furniture, this store belongs to sir Hasmi. This store established in 1981. Before building.

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Presentation on theme: "Yuni Jaya Furniture is a business (store) in the fields of furniture, this store belongs to sir Hasmi. This store established in 1981. Before building."— Presentation transcript:


2 Yuni Jaya Furniture is a business (store) in the fields of furniture, this store belongs to sir Hasmi. This store established in 1981. Before building this store Hasmi ever build salt factory in 1968, initially this salt factory developed and developing with rapidly. And a few years later this effort suffered a setback for one thing. Then in 1972 sir Hasmi the move entrepreneurs venture into producing bread, but because at that time a lack of interest in bread the bakery is closed. And finally Mr. Hasmi established furniture business since 1981 until now. This furniture store owned by Mr. Hasmi, and managed by his. After Mr. Hasmi died, the store is managed by his wife "Mrs. Yuni" and helped by his daughter. After Mrs. Yuni gets older this shop is managed by her daughter. And after Mrs. Yuni died this shop is managed by three of her children "Ms Yayah", "Mr. Ending", and "Mr. Imron" until now.

3 Working hours from 8 am - 17 pm Capital Yuni Jaya Furniture Stores in period "Mrs Yayah", "Mr. Ending", and "Mr. Imron" their capital amounting to 75 million Turnover Yuni Jaya Furniture store every month to get a turnover of ± Rp35.000.000

4 Materials funiture makers from Jepara Types of wood Teak Wood Wood Mahogany Wood Manium Plywood Teak blocks

5 This type of furniture that is sold or that is in store Wardrobe Office Desk Beds Kitchen sets Dining table Sofa Desk cabinet shelf

6 Partition Kradenza school chairs School Desk Office Chair Mattresses Dressing table Bookcases Dining table Etc.

7 This type of furniture that are requested depending on season, for example: At school: office desk, office chair, school desk, school chairs, bookcases, etc. At the time of Eid: sofa, dining table, kradenza, partitions, showcases, etc.

8 The process of making conducted in workshops Many employees: Construction: 4 people Finishing: 3 people Shopkeeper: 2 people Many workshop Workshop-making: 1 Workshop finishing: 1

9 Store the center: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No.23 Store branches: KIKM Sodong Yuni Jaya Furniture stores have opened booths at: BI (Bank Indonesia) center Grand Mall Thamrin City Smesco Kalibata Mall Senayan (JHCC)
















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