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Expansion/contraction des squelettes structurels Notes LR.

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Presentation on theme: "Expansion/contraction des squelettes structurels Notes LR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expansion/contraction des squelettes structurels Notes LR

2 Exemple Geneter

3 Une entrée Geneter UHB wire with short, sharp points on it barbed wire barbed adj

4 Repérage du squelette structurel TE LS TS TCS

5 Ancrage : niveau TE lilAdminG lil terminologicalEntry origin=‘UHB’ [attribut] collection=‘TEST’ [attribut] identifier=‘07’ [attribut] owner=‘UHB’ [element]

6 Ancrage : LS ldlPropG ldl language=‘en’ [attribut] definition=‘wire with...’ [element]

7 Ancrage : TS tl Term=‘barbed wire’ [element]

8 Ancrage : TCS tclPropG tcl rank=‘1’ [attribut] word=‘barbed’ [element] grammar=‘adj.’ [element]

9 Squelette structurel origin=‘UHB’ collection=‘TEST’ identifier=‘07’ owner=‘UHB’ language=‘en’ definition=‘wire with...’ Term=‘barbed wire’ rank=‘1’ word=‘barbed’ grammar=‘adj.’ TE LS TS TCS

10 Squelette TMF origin=‘UHB’ collection=‘TEST’ identifier=‘07’ owner=‘UHB’ language=‘en’ definition=‘wire with...’ Term=‘barbed wire’ rank=‘1’ word=‘barbed’ grammar=‘adj.’

11 Version XTMF UHB TEST 07 UHB en wire with short, sharp points on it barbed wire 1 barbed adj

12 Exemple Martif

13 MARTIF-MSC example manufacturing A value between 0 and 1 used in... alpha smoothing factor fullForm Alfa...

14 Repérage du squelette structurel TE LS TS id=‘ID67’ [attribute] subjectField=‘ manufacturing ’ [typedElement] definition=‘A value…’ [typedElement] lang=‘ hu ’ [attribute]lang=‘ en ’ [attribute] term=‘…’ [element] term=‘alpha smoothing factor’ [element] termType=‘fullForm’ [typedElement]

15 Squelette TMF TE TS LS TS id=‘ID67’ subjectField=‘ manufacturing ’ definition=‘A value…’ lang=‘ hu ’ lang=‘ en ’ term=‘…’ term=‘alpha smoothing factor’ termType=‘fullForm’

16 Version XTMF ID67 manufacturing A value between 0 and 1 used in... en alpha smoothing factor fullForm hu Alfa...

17 Yet another (tricky) example How does Interval data fit into the analysis

18 Interval example 1 Interval Telecommunications Commutation Term Fonction de connexion... Switching Term

19 Questions 4 The Language Sections and Term Sections seem to have collapsed Is the definition relevant for the term or the language? What if there are more than one term for a language? How do you associate grammatical information to a term? Should I handle that ? Is IIF supposed to be one possible TML?

20 Repérage du squelette structurel

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