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School Accountability Ratings What Are Our District’s Accountability Ratings? What do they mean?

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Presentation on theme: "School Accountability Ratings What Are Our District’s Accountability Ratings? What do they mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Accountability Ratings What Are Our District’s Accountability Ratings? What do they mean?

2 Who are our Students? # of students –% white students –% African American students –% Hispanic students –% Economically disadvantaged students –% Students in Special Education –% Limited English Proficient students Number of campuses subject to ratings –High schools –Middle schools –Elementary schools

3 Two Rating Systems State Accountability System –Ratings: “Exemplary,” “Recognized,” “Academically Acceptable,” “Academically Unacceptable” and “Not Rated” –Indicators: TAKS tests, dropout rate (grades 7, 8), and completion rate (grades 9-12) –5 Subgroups: All students, White, African American, Hispanic, and Economically Disadvantaged Federal Accountability System (No Child Left Behind Act) –Rating Categories: “Meets Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)” or “Missed AYP” and “Not Rated” –Indicators: TAKS tests, TAKS participation rate, and graduation rate (for high schools) or attendance rate (for middle or elementary schools) –7 Subgroups: Same as state plus Limited English Proficient and Special Ed

4 District’s State Rating for 2008-09 2008-09 Rating:________ 2007-08 Rating: ________ Areas of challenge:

5 Campus State Ratings for 2008-09 (#) campuses rated “Exemplary” (#) campuses rated “Recognized” (#) campuses rated “Academically Acceptable” Change from last year (if any) Areas of challenge

6 District’s Federal Rating for 2008-09 AYP status Change from last year (if any) Reason(s) district didn’t make AYP (if applicable)

7 Campus’ Federal Ratings for 2008-09 (#) of campuses rated “Meets AYP” (#) of campuses rated “Missed AYP” Change from last year (if any) Reason(s) why all campuses did not “Meet AYP” (if applicable)

8 Improvement Goals and Strategies for 2009-10 Improvement Goal #1: Program(s) to achieve the goal Improvement Goal #2: Program(s) to achieve the goal

9 How you can help…. Become a pen-pal to a student Read to our students during your lunch period Tutor a student after school or on weekends Participate in a “Financial Aid” workshop to help parents fill out financial aid forms Contact:

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