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Sofia Panchi Robles Head of International Affairs Ministry of Environment 16 October 2014 CBD CoP-12, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea.

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2 Sofia Panchi Robles Head of International Affairs Ministry of Environment 16 October 2014 CBD CoP-12, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea

3 1.Biodiversity in the National Structure of Ecuador 2.Mainstreaming biodiversity into the National Plan for Well-Being “Buen Vivir” 3.National initiatives oriented to integrate biodiversity into public policy. CONTENTS

4 Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador National Plan for Well-Being (PNBV) 2013-2017 Strategy for Transforming the Production Matrix / Strategy for Poverty Eradication Strategy for Transforming the Production Matrix / Strategy for Poverty Eradication Regional Plans Inter-sectorial coordinating Policies Institutional Planning Sectorial Policies B I O D I V E R S I T Y Equality Policies Development and local zoning Plans

5 Constitution of the Republic The Rights of the Nature Art. 71 and 72 Integral respect to its existence Restoration Maintenance and regeneration of its vital cycles, structure, functions and evolutionary processes.

6 Art. 14 and 400 Art. 313 Art. 395 Biodiversity in the Constitution The State guarantees a sustainable model of development... that preserve biodiversity and natural regeneration capacity of ecosystems... Strategic sectors : energy, telecommunications, non- renewable natural resources, transportation and fossil fuels refining, biodiversity and genetic resources, radioelectric spectrum, water. It is of public interest: Environmental preservation, conservation of ecosystems, biodiversity ( and all its components... particularly agricultural and wild biodiversity) and the integrity of the genetic patrimony of the country...

7 2007 2008 2009 2013… …. 2030

8 Strategy of Acumulation, Distribution and Redistribution of wealth 1 National Territorial Strategy 2 12 National Objectives, divided in 3 axis 3 Biodiversity in the National Plan for Well-Being (PNBV) Vision 2030 9 Regional Plans Objetive 7 1.Transforming the production matrix 2.Poverty Eradication 3.Gaps closing 4.Environmental and Natural Heritage sustainability NBSAP 2014- 2030

9 Cacao Products Coffee Products Fisheries Products Diary Products Petrochemistry Metallurgy Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Paper and Cardboard Plastics and Rubber Knowledge and Technology Tourism Operators Logistics Sectors Value Chains PRIMARY INDUSTRIAL SERVICES Bio-industries B I O D I V E R S I T Y Biodiversity in the National Plan for Well-Being (PNBV)

10 Environmental Quality Ecosystem - Environmental Services Environmental Goods Genetic Resources Ecosystem Management Solid Waste Management Best Environmental Practices Wildlife Non Timber Forest Products Bio-industries Biodiversity in the National Plan for Well-Being (PNBV)

11 PNBV 2013-2017 Sectoral and inter-sectoral policies Regional Plans Development and local zoning Plans National Policy on Governance of the Natural Heritage Planning National System on Environmental Accounting Desegregate public expenses related to the environmental policy (biodiversity) Assessment of biodiversity and Ecosystem services: TEEB and others BIOFIN Finance National Initiatives oriented to integrate biodiversity into public policies NBSAP Resources Mobilization

12 Cuentas de Activos Ambientales Environmental Flows Account Environmental Assets Account National Initiatives - National System on Environmental Accounting SEEA

13 National Initiatives - Guide on Public Expenses of the Environmental Policy Public policy integration with public investment Protection Restoration Valuation Sustainable useResearch Cathegories included in the expenses guide of the environmental policy

14 Alignment with National Policies - NBSAPs SCAN (SEEA) BIOFIN National Strategy on Resource Mobilization and its Implementation Financial Sustainability in Protected Areas Vulnerability Analysis in Hydroelectrics CC UN REDD TEEB National Initiatives - Economical value of biodiversity and ecosystem services TSA: hydroenergy, tourism, agricultural. others Assesment of mongroves and fisheries resources NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY 2014 - 2030 NATIONAL PLAN 2014 - 2020 CBD UNFCCD UNFCCC


16 Thank you…

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