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AKTORER + NETVÆRK + MOTIVATIONER. Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Metodiske tilgang En kort historie: historien om cyklen Designer og Aktor netværk.

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Presentation on theme: "AKTORER + NETVÆRK + MOTIVATIONER. Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Metodiske tilgang En kort historie: historien om cyklen Designer og Aktor netværk."— Presentation transcript:


2 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Metodiske tilgang En kort historie: historien om cyklen Designer og Aktor netværk Motivationer Øvelse

3 Metodiske Tilgang

4 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Metodiske tilgang Problem Ultimate presumptions Methods and application of methods Set of techniques

5 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Metodiske tilgang Subjective-relativistic Objective-rationalistic

6 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Paradigm: a set of general and ultimate ideas about the constitution of reality, the structure of science, scientific ideas Metodiske tilgang Ultimate presumptions Methodological approach: A set of ultimate ideas about the constitution of reality, the structure of science, and so on, that is important to methods, that is, to the guiding principles for creating knowledge Theory of science Methodology

7 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Operative paradigm is derived from a methodological approach in relation to a general type of study area or an actual specific study area. This more practical paradigm is a toolbox that includes methods and tools to solve real problems Metodiske tilgang Methodological approach Study area Theory of science Methodology

8 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Metodiske tilgang Ultimate presumptions: reality as a system Paradigm: Systemic Thinking Methodological approach Analytical approach/system approach/actors approach Operative paradigm Study area Design of Product and Services (PSS) Theory of science Methodology

9 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Metodiske tilgang Service som aktør netværk

10 Organizations Products (material or immaterial) Knowledge Technology People System = People + Technology + Organizations + Knowledge + ProductsSystem = People + Technology + Organizations + Knowledge + Products

11 En kort historie: historien om cyklen

12 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Den sociale konstruktion af cyklen

13 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Den sociale konstruktion af cyklen

14 Hobby HorseHobby Horse

15 Hobby Machine Aristocrats Pushing/ Muddy Feet Steering Sport and recreation

16 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Draisienne

17 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Draisienne Aristocrats Pushing/ Muddy Feet Steering Sport and recreation Postmen Transportation Draisienne

18 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods McMillan Bike

19 Aristocrats Pushing/ Muddy Feet Steering Sport and recreation Transportation McMillan Bike

20 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Michaux’s bike

21 Athletes Michaux’s bike Aristocrats Stability Steering Sport and recreation Transportation Michaux’s bike Vibration Producers (first serial production)

22 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Ariel (Ordinary)

23 Athletes Michaux’s bike Athletes (Machos) Stability Steering Sport and recreation Michaux’s bike Vibration Producers (e.g. Starley & Hillman) Non Users

24 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Sport riders and non users

25 Women and bicyclesWomen and bicycles

26 Women and bicyclesWomen and bicycles

27 Athletes Ariel bike Athletes (Machos) Stability Steering Sport and recreation Ariel Bicycle Vibration Non Users Women Producers (e.g. Starley & Hillman)

28 Ariel bike Athletes (Machos) Products and relevant social groups Non Users Women Producers (e.g. Starley & Hillman)

29 Product Social group Determining relevant social groups Social Group Social group

30 Athletes (Machos) Stability Steering Sport and recreation Focusing on problems Vibration

31 Problem Focusing on problems Solution


33 Tricycle Women Transport Safety Elderly People Postmen Producers Dress

34 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods

35 Other models

36 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Lawson

37 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Rover

38 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods

39 hvorfor fortælle jeg denne historie? Innovation inden for teknologi (og tjenester) er resultatet af en proces, hvor teknologi og sociale fænomener er flettet sammen

40 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Service som aktør netværk

41 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Metodiske tilgang Ultimate presumptions : reality as a system Paradigm: Systemic Thinking Operative paradigm ??? Study area Design of PSS Theory of science Methodology MAP Methodological approach Systems as network of actors

42 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Methodological approach Systems as network of actors Ultimate presumptions : reality as a system Paradigm: Systemic Thinking Study area Design of PSS Theory of science Methodology Operative paradigm Analytical tools Design tools

43 Metoder og redskaber

44 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Kortlægning af touchpoint Producer/ provider Customer/user Product/service Context (social/ technological) Rules/conditionsRoles /Functions

45 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Kortlægning af relevante sociale grupper

46 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Relevante sociale grupper –Designers/managers –Serviceudbbyder –Brugere –leverandører / andre aktører Relevante teknologiske systemer –Fysiske sammenhænge (rum / produkter) –Logiske sammenhænge (virtuelle rum) –Teknologiske infrastrukturer (Informationssystemer) Kortlægning af relevante sociale grupper

47 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Subjects Oplevelse Brugervenlighed Løsninger Forventninger Aktører NormerRoller VanerKompetencer Contekst

48 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Goals behovene hver gruppe ønsker at opfylde kravene i forhold til specifikke aktiviteter Key problems de problemer, der anses som relevant i forhold til specifikke aktiviteter Problem solving strategies tilladte strategier til at løse de vigtigste problemer Requirements to be met by problem solving strategies antagelighed og effektivitet kriterier for problemløsning strategier Current theories teoretiske viden støtten til det enkelte gruppes aktivitet i at opstille mål, identificere / vælge problemer og foreslå problemløsning strategier Tacit knowledge praksis-baseret viden, hvorpå hver gruppe afhænger i sætte mål, identificere og vælge problemer og foreslå tilladt problemløsning strategier Testing procedures at vurdere effektiviteten af ​​ problemløsning strategi Design methods and criteria metoder og parametre, der anvendes for at foreslå teknologiske løsninger på nye behov Users ’ practice brugernes holdning til eksisterende løsninger til det nuværende behov Perceived substitution function produkter, service eller funktionaliteten hver gruppe anser for at være erstattet af det foreslåede PSS Exemplary artefacts produkter og serviceydelser, der bruges som modeller i udviklingen af ​​ nye løsninger. Ofte følger af det opfattede substitution funktionen Bijkers kriterier for aktører analyse

49 What is my goal? What need do I want to address? Which problems are relevant to me? I would I solve those problems through the new service? How would I think the service should work? I would I solve the problems otherwise? How do I organise my lunch now? What “tacit knowledge” I use for it? What are my requirements and criteria for success? How do I judge if it is worth using this service? What service/function am I replacing? Is there any existing service I can refer to?

50 Motivationer

51 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Actor 1Actor 2Actor 3Actor 4Actor 5Actor 6 Actor 1 Why takes part Actor 2 Why cooperate s with A1? Why takes part Why cooperate s with A3? Why cooperate s with A4? Why cooperate s with A5? Why cooperate s with A6? Actor 3 Why takes part Actor 4 Why takes part Actor 5 Why takes part Actor 6 Why takes part Motivation Matrix

52 Platform Motivation Map organic food manager appliances producer packaging producer platform software producer meal producer organic food manager appliances producer packaging producer platform software producer meal producer. provide healthy, convenient, meals in different context, for people with reduce access to food. find and move to new prospectives to develop activities and services in the field of organic food. find new areas of business as: - new contexts of use - better fit of special customer’s needs. new tools for enhance the value of offering organic food. new tools for producing personalised food. professional dietary expertise identity. new tools for designing and setting appliances for special food needs. enter in an upper scale business, finding new market opportunities. become a food solution provider. brand identity as high guaranteed organic system. expertise and portfolio in organic supply management. convenience packaging solutions. environmentally correct packaging solutions. competences in food processing. food processing expertise. catering management expertise. organic brand identity differentiation. organic food expertise. selling channel. enter in new business channels, by sharing organisation, structures and expertises. new competences in food processing. set up criteria for designing new convenience food. convenience packaging solutions. expertise in materials and food preservation. usability. enter in an upper scale business, finding new market opportunities. acquire expertise in catering manag.. medical- professional dietary expertise. specialised brand identity. food processing competences. CPU. logistic points. expertise in catering. food processing competences. convenience appliances and devices. brand identity. expertise in packaging solutions. environmentally correct packaging solutions. smart interaction system with appliances. find new business channels. offer total food solutions. develop new convenience solutions. develop new sustainable solutions. enter in non- medical markets. open and finalise new areas of research. develop labelling systems. communication ideas for nutritional qualities. interacting solution for communicating/man aging nutritional qualities. food processing expertise. food with special nutritional requirements. organic brand identity. organic food market expertise. organic brand identity. organic food market expertise. food preparation expertise. dedicated recipes and processing. find new application fields for advanced cooking and preserving solutions. become a food solution provider. inputs for adding information in the packaging concept. inputs for adding convenience interactive values in pakaging. new convenience food solutions. organic market access gives to… Motivation Matrix

53 …en lille øvelse…

54 Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods Øvelse: tegne skuespilleren netværk og motivation matrix for food4kids service du analyserer … en lille øvelse… Nicola Morelli Design theory and methods

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