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Delian League Athens joined other city-states to form this league that defended its members against the Persians.

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Presentation on theme: "Delian League Athens joined other city-states to form this league that defended its members against the Persians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delian League Athens joined other city-states to form this league that defended its members against the Persians.

2 Delian League Headquarters Were in Delos Finally was moved to Athens bc all treasurers, commanders, and officials were in Athens.

3 Direct Democracy People gather at mass meeting to decide on government matters. People Vote Directly. Athens was a direct democracy because of its small population.

4 Athenian Democracy Direct Democracy Only Adult males born in Athens could vote LAWS….. Proposed by the council and approved by a majority in the assembly. Citizens Involvement….. Those with voting rights can vote for or against any law.

5 Representative Democracy People are represented by a smaller group. This is good for large populations, like the U.S. House of Representatives : has 435 members Senate: has 100 members Washington D.C. has 3 votes President needs 270 votes to win.

6 Electoral votes

7 American Democracy All citizens, male and female age 18 or older can vote. Laws….. Approved by both houses of congress and signed by the president. Citizen Involvement…. Citizens with voting rights can vote for or against the officials who make the laws

8 Pericles Ruled Athens for 30 years. Allowed lower-class male citizens to run for public office. Believed in people’s talents rather than their social status.

9 Age of Pericles Creativity Rebuilding temples and statues that were ruined by the Persians. Supported artists, architects, writers, and Philosophers( thinkers who ponder questions about life.)

10 Slaves in Athens Slaves were common in most Athenian homes. Wealthy people had more than one Servants, cooks, maids, or tutors. Field workers, industry, and in artisans shops.

11 What drove the Economy Farming Raises sheep, goats for wool, milk and cheese. Grew grain, vegetables, fruit, olives, grapes. Didn’t have enough farmland to grow for all its people so had to import grain.

12 Role of men and women Men worked in morning, exercised in afternoon. Upper class men enjoyed all male gatherings drank, dined, and discussed politics. Women…home and family Girls married at 14 or 15 and were expected to have children. Upper class women didn’t leave the house without a male relative with them.

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