GenCap Technical Workshop Session 4: GenCap & UN Women: Collaboration on Gender in Humanitarian Action Siobhán Foran (GenCap) and Natalia Zakharova (UN.

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Presentation on theme: "GenCap Technical Workshop Session 4: GenCap & UN Women: Collaboration on Gender in Humanitarian Action Siobhán Foran (GenCap) and Natalia Zakharova (UN."— Presentation transcript:

1 GenCap Technical Workshop Session 4: GenCap & UN Women: Collaboration on Gender in Humanitarian Action Siobhán Foran (GenCap) and Natalia Zakharova (UN Women)


3 Overview Existing relationships and collaboration Survey

4 Challenges  Development – humanitarian disconnect  Personality-driven rather than institutionalised  Chair of Gender Theme/Task Groups  Expectations ✖ Capacity  Tensions

5 Overview Opportunity: – In 2012, UN Women will establish a Humanitarian Unit, develop a Humanitarian Strategy. – Will shape UN Women’s support on “mainstreaming gender equality and women’s empowerment concerns into humanitarian response”. – Will involve coordination and partnership- building with the IASC Gender SWG and the GenCap Steering Committee Towards mutually-reinforcing partnership and support.

6 What’s happening in the field? CAP 2012 – Kenya (Improving security and enhancing leadership for crisis-affected women and girls – MS), Cd’I ( Promoting dialogue and social cohesion through women’s leadership in crisis-affected areas – ER) and oPt (Engendering the Humanitarian Response – CSS) UN-Women – Pacific – GenCap facilitated a seven-day learning exercise on GiHA for UN Women Pakistan – MoU between OCHA and UN Women (the positioning of a Senior Gender Adviser in OCHA and funded by UN Women for past two years) GenCap RO NBO and S.A. – supported by UN Women

7 UN Women’s Presence  15 responses:  Three ROs (Southern Africa, Pacific, Horn of Africa/Kenya)  Two Global Offices (Rome and Geneva)  Ten Field Offices – Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, DRC, oPt, Pakistan, RoSS, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, Yemen, Zimbabwe  UN Women offices:  Ten Field Offices – all but one (Yemen)  Three Regional Officers – all three  Geneva and Rome – neither (Geneva and NY in pipeline)

8 Is UN Women Engaged in Humanitarian Action?  12 sites (excl. Geneva, Rome and Yemen)  Active in RO-Pacific, RO-NBO, Pakistan, Somalia and oPt  Not active in Sudan, RoSS or Afghanistan  Partially active in some of the countries of S.A. RO (i.e. some countries in the region), Cd’I, Zimbabwe (GBV and PSEA) and DRC (VAW)

9 UN Women’s in humanitarian work?

10 MUTUAL (FIELD) SUPPORT Strategy – clarity on mandate, areas of collaboration and divergence and nature of partnership Coordination and leadership on GiHA in the field Capacity – Gender SWG/GenCap to support? Analysis – UN Women well positioned to support an understanding of breadth and depth of gender issues in each sector Continuity, coherence – development-humanitarian-ER-DRR Sustainability – alignment with Ministries and National partners, alignment with UNDAF, integration with UNCT

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