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COP 2800 Lake Sumter State College Mark Wilson, Instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "COP 2800 Lake Sumter State College Mark Wilson, Instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 COP 2800 Lake Sumter State College Mark Wilson, Instructor

2 Mid-Term Review

3 Static and Final

4  Static variable is still variable (mutable)  Sometimes called a class variable  One variable shared with all objects of the class (belongs to the class, not the object)  Default Initialization applies  Initialized before object creation and before any static method of the class runs  Improves compiler optimization private static int variableName;

5  Point to a single object  Can’t be altered to point to another object  Object pointed to works as expected

6 Public class Duck { private int size; private static in duckCount = 0; public Duck () { duckCount++; } public void setSize(int s) { size = s; } public int getSize() { return size; }

7  Good for utilities that don’t rely on instance variables  Belongs to the class, not the object  Can call any other static method  Can’t call non-static methods  Can’t use non-static instance data  Can act on variables passed in parameters  Called using the class name: Math.abs(i);  Remember: every program has a public static void main(String[] args) public static void methodName() {... }

8  Only available to nested classes  We aren’t going there in this course

9  Not really variable (immutable)  Must be initialized at definition or in constructor  Can only be assigned once  Static final variable = constant private final int VARIABLE_NAME = 0; public static final double PI = 3.14159

10  Initialize at definition or  Initialize in static public static final double PI = 3.14159 public static final double SEED; static { SEED = Math.random(); }

11  Can’t be overridden class Stuff { public final void things () { // do important things // that can’t be overridden }

12  Can’t be extended final class Stuff { public final void things () { // do important things // that can’t be overridden } // more stuff }

13 Math

14  Provides a set of math functions  Similar to but, less extensive than C/C++ math libraries  Included in java.lang, no import required  Methods are all static  No instance variables  Private constructor therefore can’t be instanced  Employs overloading int index = Math.random() * range;

15  Random  Round  Min  Max  Abs  Sqrt  Cbrt  Pow  Floor  Ceil  copySign  Sin  Sinh  Cos  Cosh  Tan  Asin  Acos  Atan  Atan2  ToDegrees  toRandom  Exp  Expm1  Hypot  Log  Log10  Log1p  Nextafter  Nextup  Scalb  getExponent

16 Wrapping Primitives

17 Boolean Character Byte Short Integer Long Float Double  One to one match to the primitives  Spelling isn’t always the same  Have some static methods int aValue = 999; Integer wrappedValue = new Integer(aValue); int unWrapped = wrappedValue.intValue();

18  Use either a primitive or its wrapper type virtually anywhere either is expected  Method arguments  Return values  Boolean expressions  Operations on numbers  Assignments  Compiler takes care of the accounting  Not the same as assigning different number formats or casting

19  Exceptions  Packages, Jars and Deployment. Oh, my!

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