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Are My Students Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer, Questioning? Yes. Let’s Head Back to Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Are My Students Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer, Questioning? Yes. Let’s Head Back to Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are My Students Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer, Questioning? Yes. Let’s Head Back to Class.

2 Carla Remeschatis BS Community Health Education Health Educator & Outreach Worker School-Based Health Center Program Multnomah County Health Department

3 Multnomah County SBHCs 13 School-Based Health Centers available to all school aged youth who live or attend school in Multnomah County. Managed by the Health Department, as part of the Primary Care clinical system. Medical providers include Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Medical Assistants, LPNs and Mental Health Counselors. Partnering with schools, families & our community for over 25 years.

4 Oregon School-Based Health Care Network Oregon Health Authority’s Adolescent Health Department School Based Health Center program


6 Let’s talk about privacy…..

7 Minor Rights: Access and Consent to Health Care A resource for providers, parents and educators

8 Definitions: A Minor: Any person under the age of 18 Consent: an acknowledgement (usually in writing) of any or all of the following: The patient understands the treatment s/he will receive. The patient authorizes the treatment. The patient understands how private information will be shared.

9 In Oregon, the age of consent for medical care depends on the type of care. Medical and dental services (ORS 109.640) Minors who are 15 years or older are able to consent to medical and dental services without parental consent. This includes hospital care, as well as medical, dental, optometric & surgical diagnostic care.

10 Mental health and chemical dependency (ORS 109.675) A minor who is 14 years or older may access outpatient mental health, drug or alcohol treatment (excluding methadone) without parental consent. These services may include: Seeking help from a psychiatrist or psychologist; Seeking mental health therapy from a doctor or social worker; Seeking help for drug or alcohol use.

11 Family planning, sexual and reproductive health (ORS 109.610, ORS 109.640) Minors of any age are allowed to access birth control-related information and services, as well as treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) without parent/guardian consent.

12 To clarify: Oregon law does not give minors a “right” to confidentiality or parents a “right” to disclosure. However, federal law may offer additional protections in some circumstances. When a minor self-consents for health care services, providers are encouraged to use their best clinical judgment in deciding whether to share information with the parent or guardian. (ORS 109.650)

13 We are all Mandatory Reporters. There are times when confidential information must be reported: Reportable infectious and communicable diseases; Suspicion of abuse or neglect of a vulnerable individual; Entering a drug or alcohol detoxification program; Individual is a health or safety risk to themselves or others. Please be clear where you report this information.

14 Additional Resources Center for Adolescent Health and The Law: Confidentiality and Teens: adol2.html adol2.html Oregon DHS Adolescent Health Section -

15 Activity Pair up with someone you do not know. Each pair needs a question (being handed out) Discuss your answer to the question for a few minutes. Report back to the group.

16 LGBT YOUTH They face significant challenges… harassment lack of family support invisibility Youth are coming out at younger and younger ages, asserting their identities and their rights.

17 28% of GL students drop out of school (a rate 3x higher than the average for heterosexual students) due to harassment and discrimination 4 out 5 LGBTQ youth say they don’t know any supportive adults (faculty/staff) at their school EDUCATION In Oregon, 59% of LGB 11 th graders report being harassed in the past month, compared to 28% of hetero peers

18 SUICIDE On the 2007 OHT Survey, 24%, (nearly 1 in 4) Oregon LGBQ 11 th graders reported attempting suicide within the last year. GLBT youth are 2-3 times more likely to attempt suicide and make up 30% of completed suicides. In one study 53% of trans youth had attempted suicide

19 Sexual Orientation versus Gender Identity What? Aren’t they the same? No.

20 Definitions and Vocabulary (handout in your folder)

21 Gender Identity How someone “identifies” is their own self perspective & self definition. How someone “presents” is what we can see on the outside. Examples: clothes, hair, shoes, mannerisms If you are unsure of someone’s gender, ask the individual: ‘What pronoun do you prefer?’ Consider: addressing the individual by name, instead of pronoun.

22 Gender Identity Not the same as sexual attraction Fluid & flexible & not the same for everyone Can change over time for some For most, children are very clear on their gender identity. Most gender non-conforming youth identify later in life as heterosexual adults. (source: TransActive)

23 Sexual Orientation Counseling considerations for youth who present as certain about their sexual orientation VERSES those who present as uncertain or questioning. (handout) Most youth who identify lesbian, gay or bisexual are ‘closeted’ and are seeking validation. Am I ok? Am I normal? Am I the only one?

24 THREE NEW LAWS Oregon Equality Act (2007) Oregon Safe Schools Act (2009) Comprehensive Sexuality Education (2009)

25 THE OREGON EQUALITY ACT Bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in public education (K-12 and post-secondary), housing, employment and public accommodations.

26 THE EQUALITY ACT INCLUDES… Hiring and staffing Treatment of students, staff and faculty Dorms and housing Discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity is prohibited.

27 SUPPORTING GENDER NON- CONFORMING STUDENTS Names & Pronouns Restroom & Locker Room Accessibility Sports & Gym Class Dress Codes

28 THE OREGON SAFE SCHOOLS ACT This law strengthens and enhances anti-bullying policies for K-12 public schools in Oregon.

29 HOW IT WORKS Race Religion National origin Sex Sexual orientation Every district must adopt an anti-bullying policy that covers “protected classes” - a group of persons distinguished, or perceived to be distinguished, by: Marital status Familial status Disability Source of income

30 Oregon students share their stories of bullying to their legislators in support of the Safe Schools Act Each school must identify a point person for reporting bullying, and a uniform system for reporting & investigation. Schools must communicate their anti-bullying policy to students, faculty, staff, parents and the community. IMPLEMENTATION

31 ENFORCEMENT The Act went into effect July 1, 2009, and applies to the 2009-2010 school year. A school with no updated anti-bullying policy in place by the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year risks being designated as “nonstandard.” The Superintendent may withhold funding from “nonstandard” districts.

32 SEXUALITY EDUCATION HB 2509: Passed in 2009. Public school districts must provide age- appropriate sex education courses in all K- 12 schools. Comprehensive sexuality education promotes delaying sex, buy also includes information on contraceptives and STI prevention.

33 SEX ED MUST BE LGBT-INCLUSIVE Schools must use “culturally and gender sensitive materials, language, and strategies that recognizes different sexual orientations and gender roles.”

34 MAKING IT REAL Communities must take action to ensure laws are implemented….

35 Resources Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition Human Rights Campaign ‘Welcoming Schools’ curriculum from HRC TransActive Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network Tomorrow: April 20 is the National Day of Silence



38 Questions? Comments? Time for idea share…. Thank you!

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