Let’s Celebrate! University of Waterloo Library Wednesday, October 12, 2005 DC 1302.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Celebrate! University of Waterloo Library Wednesday, October 12, 2005 DC 1302."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Celebrate! University of Waterloo Library Wednesday, October 12, 2005 DC 1302

2 Celebrating Our Success With the completion of Phase One of the Library renovation project, we have so much to celebrate here at the Library. This brings us one step closer to attaining our goal for providing a Next Generation Library.

3 Our recent accomplishments include…

4 RBC Information Commons Major transformation of the Davis Library Officially opened Nov. 23, 2004 $1 million donation from RBC

5 Porter 3 rd Floor Renovations Includes the Peter & Betty Sims Reading Room that will house current periodicals, 12 new computer workstations, new carpeting and new study carrels Official opening on October 24, 2005 $500,000 gift from Peter and Betty Sims

6 IBM Equipment To date we have received over $200,000 of IBM equipment through the UW Alumni @ IBM campaign. We expect to receive an additional $200,000 over the next few years.

7 Economical Gift Official opening on October 24, 2005 128 new study carrels and chairs in Davis Library Silent Study Area Economical Insurance Group gift of $150,000 in honour of Peter Sims

8 Dixon Technology Fund Inaugural purchase in March 2005 includes a desktop colour video magnifier for the Adaptive Technology Centre Ross & Doris Dixon Adaptive Technology Fund

9 Gifts to Special Collections Birks Family Foundation Dare Foods Limited KW Community Foundation Graham Trust

10 Musagetes Library New branch library at the UW School of Architecture Opened October 2004 $2.5 million gift from Musagetes Fund

11 What’s Next? Future renovations will commence during Phase Two of the Library renovation project These renovations will include: –Davis: E-Learning Lab, enhanced individual work & study areas, additional compact shelving, enhancements to sound proofing & lighting, and an electronic security system –Porter Library: Information Commons on main floor, enhancements to lighting & wiring, new individual & group study space, and an electronic security system.

12 $750,000

13 The Kresge Challenge We are only the second academic library in Canada to receive this prestigious award Kresge designs their awards as “Challenge Grants” It’s all or nothing By Dec’06 we need to raise the balance of the funds remaining ($2.8M) in order to meet the challenge and secure the award

14 So why do this? The challenge will create excitement and heighten the profile of our campaign projects We have the support of our President, Provost, Deans Council and the campaign staff Kresge designs their awards this way to stimulate new gifts and new donors to a campaign

15 Our Strategy Over the next 15 months we need to engage all constituencies in order to be successful Major Donors (individuals, corporations, and foundations) Current and previous donors to the Library Annual Fund (parents, alumni) Keystone Campaign (faculty, staff, retirees) Students Library Staff

16 Staff participation is critical to our success You know first hand the value of our planned renovations We have done a tremendous job with the gifts we have received thus far Your support sends a strong message to the other constituencies that we will approach

17 How Can We Meet the Challenge?

18 Meeting the Challenge participation is the key every dollar counts currently at 28% participation rate increase our participation rate to become one of the leaders on campus

19 A Challenge of our Own We have divided the staff into five colour groups Each colour group has 21 people including a captain All groups are beginning the challenge at a 28% participation rate The goal is to increase the group’s participation rate

20 A Few Rewards If your group reaches 50% participation: you will receive a pizza lunch and dessert provided by Library Executive If your group reaches 75%: all team members receive ½ day off If your group reaches 90% +: all team members will receive 1 day off


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