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Assertiveness Training: Let Your Voice Be Heard!

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Presentation on theme: "Assertiveness Training: Let Your Voice Be Heard!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assertiveness Training: Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Developed by the: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and Wisconsin Department of Health Services

2 Learning Points Understand the difference between passive, aggressive and assertive communication techniques Learn to use an assertive technique Understand why assertiveness is important

3 Assertiveness Assertiveness is about standing up for yourself, but also about respecting the opinions and needs of others. When we communicate assertively, we are clear about our opinions and wishes, but we are also open to others’.

4 Passive, Aggressive, Assertive

5 Tips for Assertive Communication
Making Assertive Statements Do’s and Don’ts Using Assertive Body Language Techniques to Avoid

6 Activity: One Conversation, Three Styles
Video Clips or Script Reading Discussion Questions

7 Activity: Why is Assertiveness Important?
Reasons for being assertive rather than passive or aggressive? How does assertive communication result in better care for clients or residents?

8 Learning Points Review
Understand the difference between passive, aggressive and assertive communication techniques Learn to use an assertive technique Understand why assertiveness is important

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