A Common Direction for Georgia Denise A. Spangler University of Georgia.

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Presentation on theme: "A Common Direction for Georgia Denise A. Spangler University of Georgia."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Common Direction for Georgia Denise A. Spangler University of Georgia

2 My perspectives  Former elementary school teacher  Mathematics teacher educator for 20 years  School board member for 12 years  Writer and reviewer of Progressions documents (explanations of how mathematical ideas develop over time with suggestions for representations)  Participant in College Board Affinity Network, which brought faculty from Gwinnett County, Georgia Perimeter College, and UGA together to look at college readiness and transitions from Common Core to college.

3 Georgia’s role in CCSS-M  Georgia was at the table in the very beginning (Governor Purdue and Superintendent Cox).  Jeremy Kilpatrick, Regents Professor of Mathematics Education at UGA, was on the Validation Committee.  Sybilla Beckmann, Meigs Professor of Mathematics at UGA, was on the Mathematics Work Team.  The committees are a veritable Who’s Who of mathematicians and mathematics educators.

4 Is/Is Not  The Common Core IS a set of standards.  It IS NOT a curriculum.  It does not prescribe teaching methods.  It does not prescribe assessment methods.  As with all standards, the ultimate quality of teaching and learning rests with teachers and those who support them.

5 Speaking of teachers…  Georgia’s teachers, particularly high school mathematics teachers, have been through the wringer in recent years with all of our curriculum and now assessment changes.  It takes time to see the results of educational reform–usually longer than the 4-year political cycle.  Georgia is making strides in student learning. We need to stay the course.

6 Is Common Core perfect?  No. There are things I would change. There are things any mathematics educator would change. But we wouldn’t all agree on what they are.  What does a “perfect” curriculum mean?  We need incremental and well-vetted changes to Common Core to  Fill gaps  Smooth transitions from grade to grade

7 Major Shifts in Common Core  Focus–narrower and deeper  Coherence–across grade levels; link topics within a grade  Rigor–balance among conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, application  Standards for Mathematical Practice

8 K 12 Number and Operations Measurement and Geometry Algebra and Functions Statistics and Probability Traditional U.S. Approach

9 CCSSM approach–Number & Operations Operations and Algebraic Thinking Expressions and Equations Algebra  Number and Operations— Base Ten  The Number System  Number and Operations— Fractions  K12345678High School

10 Grade 1  Operations & Algebraic Thinking  Work with addition and subtraction equations.  Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.  7 = 8 – 1  5 + 2 = 2 + 5  4 + 1 ≠ 5 + 2

11 Grade 6  Expressions and Equations  Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.  Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.  distributive property  3 (2 + x) = 6 + 3x  24x + 18y = 6 (4x + 3y)  y + y + y = 3y

12 High School: Algebra  Seeing Structure in Expressions  Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems.  Choose and produce an equivalent form of an expression to reveal and explain properties of the quantity represented by the expression.  Complete the square in a quadratic equation.

13 Common Core is  Rigorous  Research-based  Developmentally appropriate  Consistent  Coherent

14 Advantages of Common Core  Economies of scale  Curriculum materials (textbooks)  Teacher education and professional development  Assessment  Portable across state lines  For students who move  For teachers who move into our state  For teacher educators who prepare teachers for all 50 states and beyond

15 Math isn’t local  As a school board member, I support local control of a lot of things but not curriculum.  Teachers can contextualize content with examples that are appropriate to their students’ contexts, but they need to teach the same content.  Students in Macon, Savannah, Atlanta, Rome, Gainesville, and Athens need the same content.  Children in Georgia and Colorado and Massachusetts need the same content.

16 Fine line  It’s a fine line between  Local control of curriculum and  Discrimination.  Why wouldn’t we want Georgia’s students to learn the same content as students in Minnesota and New York and Arizona?

17 Recommended reading  Alan Schoenfeld, University of California Berkeley http://blogs.berkeley.edu/2014/09/21/common- sense-about-the-common-core/

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