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Digital Citizenship. Activity: Take two minutes to discuss how you can tell if someone is a good citizen.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Citizenship. Activity: Take two minutes to discuss how you can tell if someone is a good citizen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Citizenship

2 Activity: Take two minutes to discuss how you can tell if someone is a good citizen.

3 Let’s talk about… citizenship. To be a good citizen, we act in ways that are responsible. We make good choices, say and do nice things. We are someone people can count on. People who are good citizens usually have nice things being said about them. Take one minute to discuss.

4 Activity: Watch this video to help you understand more about your digital footprint. ED_digital-footprint.mp4


6 Time for an Activity!




10 Activity: Why do you think people say mean, hateful, hurtful things in a text when they probably wouldn’t say those same things to someone’s face? Take two minutes and discuss.

11  https://d1pmarobgdhgjx.cloudfron when-messages-spread.mp4 https://d1pmarobgdhgjx.cloudfron when-messages-spread.mp4

12 This is a myth, buster! Its easy to think if we delete something it goes away forever. Pictures and words sent on any electronic device never ever truly go away.


14 What should I do if something offensive is sent to me?

15 READ CAREFULLY! From Instagram’s Use Policy: You may not post violent, inappropriate, discriminatory, unlawful, infringing, hateful, suggestive photos or other content via the Service. You must not defame, stalk, bully, abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate people or entities and you must not post private or confidential information via the Service. WHAT DO THE BOLD WORDS MEAN?


17 How old does a person have to be to have a social media account? This includes Facebook, Instagram, and other similar programs.







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