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State and Religion Democracy and Judaism. Jewish state – what does it mean in terms of religion? Mainstream Zionism: National-secular - yet Jewish State.

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Presentation on theme: "State and Religion Democracy and Judaism. Jewish state – what does it mean in terms of religion? Mainstream Zionism: National-secular - yet Jewish State."— Presentation transcript:

1 State and Religion Democracy and Judaism

2 Jewish state – what does it mean in terms of religion? Mainstream Zionism: National-secular - yet Jewish State. Inherent contradiction between "Jewish“ and "Democracy"? Non separation between state and religion.

3 Religious bodies for official functions Religious law in specific areas –Marriage/Divorce Burials Religious educational system makes part of public education State finances religious matters Public observance of Sabbath and dietary rules (Kashrut).

4 Origins and Legal dimensions The Status Quo agreement 1947 The exclusive status of Orthodox Judaism The Supreme Rabbinate Sephardic-Ashkenazi Religious courts for civilian and religious matters Non-Civic jurisdiction over matrimony Role and composition of the Supreme Court

5 Compromise and Ambiguity 1948 Declaration of Independence "placing our trust in the 'Rock of Israel' Status of Halacha The absence of constitution 1958 the Rufeisen case  ->"who is a Jew“ – by nation or religion? ->1962 Supreme Court verdict against Rufeisen 1969 Shalit case  ->1970 Ammendment to Law of Return 1980 Law on the Foundations – "Israel heritage" Russian and Ethiopian Olim

6 Political dimensions Religious political parties – Role and split Post 1967 Growth and impact of religious fundamentalism The status of the Holy Places in Jerusalem – liberalism versus security. Struggle over general duty of military service Growing hold of Orthodox education

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