Students` scientific activities (SSA) Scientific preparation 3rd study year December 2006 Juraj Mokrý.

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Presentation on theme: "Students` scientific activities (SSA) Scientific preparation 3rd study year December 2006 Juraj Mokrý."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students` scientific activities (SSA) Scientific preparation 3rd study year December 2006 Juraj Mokrý

2 SSA aims, concenption history of SSA at JFM CU, its organization and management SSA statute, student scientific conference, volunteers and student research fellowships perspectives of SSA development at FFM CU in Martin

3 Potential interest in SSA and actual state %

4 SSA aims I Widening the knowledge in study field Mastering the methodology of scientific work, statistical methods, literature compiling, work with information technologies Self-reliant creative activity Mastering the presentation facing people, leading to increased self-confidence and self-trust of students Work in team – the tutor works mostly with one or more students as a team

5 SSA aims II Possibilities to present the research results at extra-faculty conferences, abroad, building of new contacts Possibility to apply for research fellowships The results of SSA may represent the fundamental part of thesis (dissertation) Financial prices for the best papers at annual SSC

6 SSA history at JFM CU Situation before 1989 and after 1996 Continual increasing quantity and quality at Student Scientific Conference (SSC) SSC divided to several sections


8 Organization of SSA at JFM CU SSA statute at JFM CU in Martin Dean's order about research fellows and volunteers

9 SSA statute SSA organizing committee: Yearly approved by faculty management Composition (teachers, students) Determines date and place of SSC Determines deadline for applications Is responsible for organizational part of SSC, Is responsible for publishing the information regarding national and international SSC, Coordinates the participation of our best students at Czech and Slovak SSC.

10 Student scientific conference Competition – rewards Yearly (end of summer term, April) Free attendance (except of research fellows) Applications Form of presentation Jury Abstract book Acta Medica Martiniana



13 Dean`s order about research fellows Who are they volunteer – without payment research fellow – payment, number, selection Obligatory presentation at SSC SSA themes

14 Perspectives and development of SSA at JFM CU Change in financing research fellows or students` projects by faculty management Introducing student scientific research with grant support of JFM CU Change in rewarding successful students at SSC

15 SSA organizing committee Composition: Juraj Mokrý, MD, PhD. (chairman) Ivana Bóriková, MA.(nursing) Peter Ďurdík, MD Daniela Mokrá, MD, PhD. Miroslav Šulaj, MD Jana Kurhajcová (secretary) Peter Bánovčin, MD (postgraduate student) Marian Ďuroška (vice chairman, student) Henrieta Rusňáková (student) Ľuboš Matovčík (nursing, student) Vice-dean responsible for SSA: Prof. Kamil Javorka, MD, DSc.

16 XXVIII. Student Scientific Conference at JFM CU April 24, 2007 Lecture halls „A“ and „B“ Novomeského 9, Martin Competition sections: pre-clinical, clinical, nursing, education Non-competition section: guests Dr. Jozef Lettrich Foundation Richter Gedeon RT.

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