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Four Faces of a Linear Function

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Presentation on theme: "Four Faces of a Linear Function"— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Faces of a Linear Function
Saving for an iPhone

2 Today we will… Define Linear Relationship
Discuss the Four Faces of a Linear Function Summarize the iPhone Investigation

3 Definition of a Linear Relationship
Comparison of two variables that change at constant rates. Definition of a Linear Relationship

4 Four Faces of a Linear Function
Table Graph Equation Story Problem

5 Table

6 Graph

7 Equation

8 Story Problem

9 How can we see a linear relationship in each of the four faces of a function?
Table ~ both the independent and dependent variables will increase or decrease at a constant rate Graph ~ line (Linear) Equation ~ will be in the form of y = mx + b; the equation will be in the first degree Story Problem ~ will contain a constant; look for the word “per” in the story problem

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