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Company Communications Handbook. AUDIENCE The audience is 21-40 year olds approaching or over the median income. They possess an interest in image and.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Communications Handbook. AUDIENCE The audience is 21-40 year olds approaching or over the median income. They possess an interest in image and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Communications Handbook

2 AUDIENCE The audience is 21-40 year olds approaching or over the median income. They possess an interest in image and in wine, but lack experience in selecting and drinking wine. They’re used to convenience and using mobile apps to obtain information and services, and are often too busy to do things like shop for wine.

3 AUDIENCE Though affluent, they’re usually price-conscience in order to manage their various expenses. The audience is very social, choosing to drink in gatherings and parties, and share pictures and information of their food and drinks. They’re prone to trying products recommended by friends and acquaintances.

4 TONE A light air of posh civility should come through in clean, concise copy. Don’t use large words for the sake of it, but rather affect a gentle, confident tone, with words like “finest,” and “pristine.” Avoid any slang, acronyms and contractions. This should be educational without talking down—more “did you know?” than “you ought to know.”

5 TONE This core element should contain a splash of wry wit to be deployed in asides, either within a parenthetical or in a shorter, follow-up sentence. Ex. “We’ve scoured Washington’s best vineyards for the finest locally-sourced wines (and spent a few too many nights testing them).”

6 VOICE Winegarden is your friend who likes to drink and talk about wine, but doesn’t make a fool of themselves. It’s gentle and calm, and happy to share what it knows about wine with you—not for its sake, but yours. Winegarden might like to make a joke here and there, but it has no interest in being the center of the conversation. Rather, Winegarden prefers to get its friends and your friends involved, and have everyone sharing about themselves over a bottle of wine.

7 VOICE Winegarden speaks from an inclusive first person perspective, i.e. “We,” never “I,” and only using “you” in a positive, conversational manner. Exclamation points should be few and far between—though proud of its service, Winegarden doesn’t get overly excited without reason.

8 PERSONALITY TERMS Positive Friendly Wry Calm Civil Fun Knowledgeable Sharing Social


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