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Welcome!! Session Two ACE Training Session Two ACE Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!! Session Two ACE Training Session Two ACE Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!! Session Two ACE Training Session Two ACE Training

2 Disability Awareness The Struggle The Struggle Our generation Our generation Brown vs. Board of Education Brown vs. Board of Education Section 504 Section 504 ADA ADA

3 Overview Dr. Rapp Section 504 and ADA Responsibilities

4 Students Rights and Responsibilities

5 Current Data Shows 9% of Students Indicate a Disability Source: American Council on Education


7 What to be aware of Disabilities come in many forms Open Impaired vision – low to completely blind Impaired Hearing – hard of hearing to totally deaf Dual sensory – both blind and deaf Mobility impairment – use a wheel chair Hidden LD & ADHD – learning disabilities and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders Psychological disabilities- mental illness Medical disabilities – chronic pain disorder Trauma – severe brain injury

8 LD Data More students with disabilities are enrolling in four-year institutions than in 1991. The fastest growing category is learning disability (15% in 1991 to 42% in 1998) More students with disabilities are enrolling in four-year institutions than in 1991. The fastest growing category is learning disability (15% in 1991 to 42% in 1998) Source American Council on Education, (CIRP Survey) Source American Council on Education, (CIRP Survey) 196,000 of the 428,000 students with disabilities enrolled at two-year and four-year postsecondary education institutions reported having learning disabilities 196,000 of the 428,000 students with disabilities enrolled at two-year and four-year postsecondary education institutions reported having learning disabilities Source: National Center for Education Statistics Source: National Center for Education Statistics

9 Its kind of like a baseball player who has the “ability” to hit home runs, but is given a broken bat to use. He doesn’t have the opportunity to prove he can do it.

10 We Must be aware of The Hidden Disability Also LD & ADHD- Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders Hyperactivity Disorders Psychological Disabilities- Mental Illness Medical Disabilities- Chronic Pain Disorders Trauma- Sever Brain Injury

11 Language of Disabled Our words and actions speak of our awareness

12 Terminology Disabled – People who, by birth, illness, or accident do not have use of one or more of life’s functions Functional limitation – impairment of vision, hearing, speaking, mobility, or information processing regardless of cause.

13 Are all disabled handicapped? NO! There is a distinction between the two.

14 Association Act Normal A disabled person just wants to be one of the group.

15 Conclusion

16 Accommodations (To make suitable adaptation or adjustment)

17 Accommodations Scope- Academic accommodations are any adjustments that provide equal academic opportunity for a student with a disability. However, they will only be provided to students who meet the eligibility standards set forth in the University ADA Policy and Procedure manual.

18 Qualifying for Services Contact Disability Services Contact Disability Services Meet the eligibility requirements Meet the eligibility requirements Determine accommodations Determine accommodations Implement the plan Implement the plan Revise the plan as needed Revise the plan as needed

19 Intake Interview

20 Accommodation Form

21 Specific Accommodations Testing Procedures

22 Test Tracking Form

23 Test Schedules Back to back classes

24 Conclusion

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