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Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Period Three Section B 2a-2c.

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2 Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Period Three Section B 2a-2c

3 Brainstorming food healthyunhealthy

4 FoodYesMaybeNo fruit vegetables eggs chicken hamburgers ice-cream Which food do you think is healthy? Check (√) Yes, Maybe or No. 2a2a

5 A: What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner ? B: I love/like … for breakfast/lunch/dinner.

6 a sports star eating habits a volleyball star Cindy Smith eat healthy foodeat well

7 1. What fruit does she like? 2. Does she like hamburgers? 3. Does she often eat ice-cream? Guess before reading. Cindy Smith Sports Star Eats Well!

8 First reading 2b Read the magazine article and circle the food words.

9 Cindy likes...Cindy doesn’t like... Second reading Fill in the chart with the food Cindy likes and doesn’t like. fruit for breakfast (oranges and apples) salad for lunch chicken for dinner ice-cream bananas hamburgers eating ice-cream

10 Answer the questions. Second reading 1. Why does Cindy like fruit? 2. Why doesn't Cindy like hamburgers? 3. Why doesn't Cindy eat ice-cream? question want to be fat

11 Cindy has good eating habits. She lives a happy life. Cindy is a volleyball star. Cindy likes...Cindy doesn’t like... fruit for breakfast (oranges and apples) salad for lunch chicken for dinner ice-cream bananas hamburgers eating ice-cream (Because they are not healthy.) (Because she doesn’t want to be fat.) Retell Cindy's eating habits. (Because they are healthy.)


13 Cindy is a ________ star. She likes to eat ____ for breakfast. She doesn’t like _______, but she likes oranges and ______. She likes salad for _____ and _______ for dinner. She _______ like hamburgers, because they’re not very _______. She likes ice-cream, ___ she doesn’t eat it. She doesn’t want to be fat. Cindy’s _______ eating habits help her live a healthy life. Fill in the blanks. volleyball fruit bananas apples lunch doesn’t healthybut healthy chicken

14 How can we keep healthy? What’s your advice? An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat healthy food and keep a balanced diet. Discussion

15 Homework Write about what your parents like and don’t like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 写一段话,谈谈你父母早、中、晚餐喜欢 吃什么、不喜欢吃什么。 My mother/father likes …, but he/she doesn’t like … They both like … but they don't like...

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