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Flooding Geography 1700; Natural Disasters Katie Flanery; Jordan Stott; Todd Farnes; Brian Higgens, Brooke (Lizzy) Anderson.

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Presentation on theme: "Flooding Geography 1700; Natural Disasters Katie Flanery; Jordan Stott; Todd Farnes; Brian Higgens, Brooke (Lizzy) Anderson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flooding Geography 1700; Natural Disasters Katie Flanery; Jordan Stott; Todd Farnes; Brian Higgens, Brooke (Lizzy) Anderson

2  By definition, Flooding is a Natural Hazard, and is something that needs to have attention given in areas prone to flooding so it does not become a Disaster. There are few places on Earth where people need not be concerned about flooding. Any place where rain falls is vulnerable, although rain is not the only impetus for flood.  Even with the potentially deadly hazards flooding can present, there is also great benefits of flooding if it is managed and planned for. Introduction

3 According to National Geographic, A flood can occur in a variety of ways. The most typical occurrences are due to rivers or banks overflowing. Excessive rain, ruptured damns/levees, rapid ice melting, etc. are all other examples of flooding occurrences as well.

4  Although flooding into adjacent floodplains from rivers has been happening for millions of years, it has only more recently become a disaster due to humans desire to live closer to these areas than necessary. Places like Germany, where they have lost an estimated 80 percent of their natural flood plains, people are beginning to ask questions of what we can do to not try to force our populations into such areas.

5  On 15 December 1999, Venezuela suffered its worst natural disaster when a torrent of water, boulders, and debris broke free from the side of the Avila mountain after continued heavier-than-normal rain fall.  6hYM 6hYM Venezuela 1999

6  There are estimates that between 10,000 to 30,000 people lost their lives, and the area is still in a mess ten years later.  This became a tragedy for many reasons, including a massive amount of population, and shantytown styles structures not designed to withstand much more than basic needs, let alone events meant to change something. Venezuela 1999

7  Very recently on November 18th, Italy had to declare a state of emergency when massive, freak amounts threw torrents of water on the island better known for tourism of pristine beaches, and crystal clear waters. Sardinia received half its amount of annual rain in one day (8). Bridges have collapsed, and water is up to 10 feet high in some areas.  So far, 17 are confirmed dead, but this number may rise. Sardinia 2013

8 bGWHiAUEZM  In summary, examples like these should be a lesson for population planning in flood-prone areas. Sardinia 2013

9  On the opposing side of this, there can also be a great benefit from flooding as well.  Whenever a river overflows, it dumps sand, silt, debris, etc. onto the surrounding land. After flood waters recede, you have a more fertile land because of what the water has deposited.  A great example of areas which have harnessed the power of floods for better growing soil are the Egyptians. Since ancient times, they have planned their farming and harvest around the expected flooding of the Nile River. Flood Benefits

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11  No region is safe from flooding. All 50 states are subject to flash floods.  Flash floods can bring walls of water from 10 to 20 feet high.  A car can be taken away in as little as 2 feet of water.  In the last 10 years on average, flooding cost the U.S. $2.9 billion annually. Facts To Remember

12  To stay safe during a flood, go to the highest ground of floor possible. If your skin comes in contact with flood water, make sure to wash it with soap and disinfected water because the contents are unknown.  Flooding can be caused by spring thawing (snow and frozen grounds melting in the spring), heavy rains, snow melt runoffs, flash floods, and mudflows.  Floods are the most widespread natural disaster aside from wildfires. 90 percent of all U.S. natural disasters declared by the President involve some sort of flooding. Facts To Remember

13  In preparation for a flood, it is important to stock up on first aid items, non-perishable foods, 3 gallons of water per person for 3 days, battery operated radio for weather reports, extra batteries, personal hygiene necessities.  A 2,000 square foot home undergoing 12” of water damage could cost more than $50,000.  Since flood damage is almost never covered by homeowners insurance, flood insurance is important for people living in high- risk flood zones.  Communities particularly at risk for flooding are those located in low-lying areas, near water, or downstream from a damn. Facts To Remember

14  If we could take initiative from the people who use flooding as a benefit, or even those asking about what they can do to lessen the hazards, we would be better able to allow the water to do what it does naturally without the danger we are causing by ourselves when we build to close to these potential hazards, and do not plan for events. Summary

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