The Cure for the Distracted Mind: Why Law Schools Should Teach Mindfulness Shailini J. George Professor of Legal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cure for the Distracted Mind: Why Law Schools Should Teach Mindfulness Shailini J. George Professor of Legal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cure for the Distracted Mind: Why Law Schools Should Teach Mindfulness Shailini J. George Professor of Legal Writing Suffolk University Law School Fourth Annual Colonial Legal Writing Conference “Teaching the Academically Underprepared Law Student” December 6, 2014


3 What is mindfulness?

4 Today’s law students Millennials Digital natives “gen M” Google generation FOMO generation

5 Why mindfulness in law school?

6 Science of Learning Frontal lobe-brain’s manager. Used to concentrate and deeply focus. Parietal lobe-always seeking sensory information from the environment.

7 How do we learn? Complex, multi-step process which requires attention

8 Mindfulness can improve focus

9 Benefits of mindfulness Benefits include: Improved attention Increased working memory capacity Rise in academic achievement Increased empathy and self compassion Improved creativity Boosted immunity Reduction in stress and anxiety

10 Mindfulness in the classroom Breathing exercise One minute journal Discussion of metacognition

11 Mindfulness in law schools now Law schools have begun teaching and encouraging mindfulness For credit/not for credit classes Emotional intelligence Professional responsibility Dispute resolution Part of clinics Meditation retreats

12 Mindfulness in teaching benefits learning Examples: Journals Self-critiques Mid-term evaluations Short writing assignments Muddiest point/one-minute paper

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