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Rrrrrr…… now we know what it is but how the heck do you use it? Andrew Trant PPS Arctic - Labrador Highlands Research Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Rrrrrr…… now we know what it is but how the heck do you use it? Andrew Trant PPS Arctic - Labrador Highlands Research Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rrrrrr…… now we know what it is but how the heck do you use it? Andrew Trant PPS Arctic - Labrador Highlands Research Group

2 I) get data II) get data organized and formatted III) import data First things first

3 I) get data II) get data organized and formatted III) import data First things first

4 Save as.csv file

5 I) get data II) get data organized and formatted III) import data First things first

6 Importing data into R -open R and save workspace astest.Rdata #make sure you save workspace image -go into data folder and open ‘test.Rdata’ >read.csv(“ReefFishAbundance.csv”) REMEMBER: nothing is saved into the workspace environment unless you assign it a name >fish<-read.csv(“ReefFishAbundance.csv”)

7 ‘R’udimentary Some things to try: >ls() ……………………………… Lists objects >names(fish) ………….……….Lists variables >junk summary(fish) ………….…… Descriptive stats >ls() >rm(junk) ……………………... Removes from ls() >rm(list=ls()) …………………. Clears workspace PERMANENTLY

8 ‘R’ows then columns Manipulating data.frame: >fish[1,2] …………...row 1, column 2 >fish[1:3,5] …………rows 1,2,3 column 5 >fish[1,c(3,5:6)] …….row 1 columns 3,5,6 >fish[1,-c(5:6)] …….. row 1 and NOT columns 5,6 c = combine

9 ‘R’ussian dolls Subsetting data: >subset(fish,year==1) ……….…….. equal to 1 >subset(fish,year!=1) ……………… NOT equal 1 >subset(subset(fish,year==2),N>170)

10 Tables From dataset airquality (preloaded): >airquality #confusing >with(airquality,table(Temp,Month)) #better >with(airquality, table(cut(Temp, quantile(Temp)), Month)) #best #’quantile’ breaks Temp range into 4 equal parts

11 Mo’R’e Tables > airtable margin.table(airtable) >margin.table(airtable,1) #sum by rows >margin.table(airtable,2) #sum by columns >prop.table(airtable) >prop.table(airtable,1) #prop by row >prop.table(airtable,2) #prop by column >summary(airtable) #Chi-squared test

12 Conspi’R’ing (or plotting) Low level: plot, hist, barplot…. High level: xyplot, dotplot, densityplot, contour, cloud from packages, must install ‘LATTICE’ examples: >with(fish,plot(N~transect,xlab=“transect #”, ylab=“N”)) > bwplot(voice.part ~ height, data=singer, xlab="Height (inches)") >contour

13 Saving you’R’ plot Plot something example: >bwplot(voice.part ~ height, data=singer, xlab="Height”) Make it the active window (ie. click on it)

14 You’R’ own function >testplot fix(testplot) >function(){with(fish,plot(N~transect))} to execute the function: >testplot() to review your function: >testplot

15 ‘R’ecap -Find, organize, import data -Manipulate, subset -Make tables -Generate plots and save plots -Make yer very own function WHAT ELSE IS THERE?

16 Shutting down I) Save history file example: oct19.History II) Save workspace file example: test.Rdata III) Close the window and save workspace image

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