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Cross Phase SEAL Network. Agenda: please note that the afternoon session will be divided into Primary and Secondary. 9.00-9.15COFFEE 9.15-9.20INTRODUCTIONJG.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross Phase SEAL Network. Agenda: please note that the afternoon session will be divided into Primary and Secondary. 9.00-9.15COFFEE 9.15-9.20INTRODUCTIONJG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross Phase SEAL Network

2 Agenda: please note that the afternoon session will be divided into Primary and Secondary. 9.00-9.15COFFEE 9.15-9.20INTRODUCTIONJG 9.20-9.50ANTI-BULLYINGJC 9.50-10.00SEAL SKILLJG 10.00-10.45SEF and SEALCW and KD 10.45-11.00COFFEE 11.00- 11.45PLANNING SEALJG 11.45-11.55SEAL SKILLML 11.55-12.40TRANSITIONJC/ML/CW 12.40-1.30LUNCH

3 Session Aims Share the LA and school focus for SEAL Develop links between primary and secondary SEAL and SEAL through partnerships Highlight tools for the monitoring and evaluation of SEAL (SEF)

4 Introductions Jason Goddard

5 SEAL Principles Young people who… ‘…learn how to communicate their feelings, set themselves goals and work towards them, interact successfully with others, resolve conflicts peaceably, control their anger and negotiate their way through the many complex relationships in their lives today and tomorrow’. Adapted from Reva Klein, Defying Disaffection

6 David Moore HMI Ofsted, says “Structure liberates” Ofsted evidence reports not on how ‘fluffy and nice’ a school is, but on how ‘outstanding the classroom/learning environment is’. All staff therefore must be FULLY on board SEAL must be linked to the SDP and schools need to revisit their core values and ethos. SEAL is not about doing – but engaging, therefore, monitoring and evaluation must be integral as: Schools will need to identify in their SEF the impact SEAL is having in the school and demonstrate this in relation to the ECM criteria.

7 Why are these central to school improvement? Overwhelming evidence demonstrates that well- designed programmes to promote social and emotional skills result in: Lower levels in stress and anxiety Better academic results for all pupils and schools More effective learning Higher motivation Better behaviour Improved school attendance More responsible pupils, better able to positively contribute to society Higher morale, performance and retention of staff A more positive school ethos

8 If we don’t address emotional health and well being…

9 Because if we don’t…. If we don’t address emotional health and well being…






15 DatePartnershipVenue 25 th February East Dorset and Christchurch The Hub: Verwood 26 th February West and North Dorset Kingston Mauward 5 th March Purbeck and ChesilKingston Mauward 4 th June East Dorset and Christchurch The Hub: Verwood 11 th June West and North Dorset Kingston Mauward 18 th June Purbeck and ChesilKingston Mauward 2 nd July SEAL CONFERENCE: CROSS PHASE Springfield

16 Yes – it is anti-bullying and not November! Jayne Cottingham

17 Anti-bullying Survey completed last meeting – results SEAL SEF and anti bullying Updates including- SEAL guidance Healthy schools








25 SEAL SEF –Section 4 Personal development and well-being Focusing- Pupil surveys are completed on a regular basis in recognition of the DCSF charter and guidance There is an anti-bullying policy

26 SEAL SEF –Section 4 Personal development and well-being Developing- Questionnaires include pupils and all staff in order to address the perception gap. SEAL resources and other anti-bullying materials are used to support the development of appropriate intervention.

27 SEAL SEF –Section 4 Personal development and well-being Establishing- Parents/ carers are regularly surveyed on their view about bullying. All types of bullying are recorded and interventions monitored. Pupils are confident in reporting bullying.

28 SEAL SEF –Section 4 Personal development and well-being Enhancing- All staff are confident in dealing with all types of bullying. Parents are confident about sharing their concerns about bullying with staff. Pupils are committed to supporting each other through well established systems.

29 Updates- Anti-bullying bulletin SEAL resources Healthy schools guidance (very good)! Staff and pupil safety

30 SEAL skill Jason Goddard

31 Improve your listening Working in pairs. Read each statement to your partner then repeat them back to you word for word. Repeat until they do. The three statements get increasingly complex.

32 Level 1 I can’t do that with friends rather than family unless it isn’t raining and the wind is blowing from the east

33 Level 2 Roasted in coconut oil and lightly salted, you’ll enjoy the smooth richness, the unique flavour of this entirely Australian nut

34 Level 3 If Jim and Helen go by car and Rich and Liam come by train, although somebody, possibly Malcolm, will have to pick them up from the station, and the rest of us, including Colin, catch the 2.37 bus, we should all arrive simultaneously at around 4.11

35 School Evaluation Form (SEF) and SEAL Clare Williams and Kate Duxbury


37 PLANNING SEAL Jason Goddard

38 WHY SEAL? Because: ‘Every teacher knows that, to learn successfully, young people must feel happy and secure within the school environment.’ Hellaby, L. ‘Walking the Talk…’ (London, Fulton 2004)

39 Achievement and Emotions…. Because ‘Students who are anxious, angry or depressed can’t learn…’

40 ‘…young people in these states cannot take in information efficiently or deal with it well…’ Goleman, D. Emotional Intelligence (New York: Bantam Books, 1995)

41 Percentage of eleven to fifteen year olds who agree: “Most students in my class are kind and helpful.” Switzerland 81 Sweden 77 Germany 76 Denmark 73 France 54 United States 53 Russia 46 England 43 Richard Layard ‘Happiness - Lessons from a New Science’ 2005

42 Comprehensive whole school approach Is a model in which: Every subject explicitly identifies the SEAL skills in their scheme of work, to provide: Direct and focused whole class/group learning opportunities: (tutor time, across curriculum and outside formal lessons) Teaching and learning approaches that support the acquisition and consolidation of social and emotional skills Whole staff engagement in continuing professional development

43 Whole school approach to the introduction of themes  Staff meetings - to focus  Assembly - to introduce  Tutor groups - to develop  Across the curriculum/extra curricula activities - to enhance  PSHE to establish  Across the school - to embed

44 How Do Our Learners Feel?


46 anxious


48 What is a SEAL lesson? Teaching in the style of SEAL- every lesson is a SEAL lesson when staff: are aware of their power and the responsibilities that this confers strive to create a safe teaching and learning environment plan lessons/learning opportunities with SEAL outcomes model SEAL behaviour i.e. explicitly demonstrate emotionally intelligent behaviour recognise and praise appropriate behaviour







55 We are learning to understand how and why summin or nuffin happened to this Macbeth guy n his bitches Look at the ‘what motivates you’ scenarios and identify internal and external motivators. Plot on the ‘motivator quadrant’ where we are now and what we need to do to move to different quadrants. Then get on with the coursework and no you can’t go to the IT room 26. I can identify barriers to achieving a goal and identify how I am going to overcome them What I want you to LEARN HOW I want you to do it What I want you to do

56 We are learning to understand how and why summin or nuffin happened to this Macbeth guy n his bitches Look at the ‘what motivates you’ scenarios and identify internal and external motivators. Plot on the ‘motivator quadrant’ where we are now and what we need to do to move to different quadrants. Then get on with the coursework and no you can’t go to the IT room 26. I can identify barriers to achieving a goal and identify how I am going to overcome them


58 Be nice & teach less so they can learn more!!

59 AimsPLTSSEAL Successful learners Reflective learners Independent enquirers Motivation  Working towards goals Confident individuals Successful learners Reflective learners Creative thinkers Motivation  Persistence, resilience and optimism Confident individualsSelf managers Managing feelings  Expression of emotions  Changing uncomfortable feelings and increasing pleasant feelings Confident individualsSelf managers Self awareness  Understanding my feelings Confident individuals Successful learners Reflective learners Self-managers Self awareness  Knowing myself Responsible citizensTeam workers Social skills  Building + maintaining relationships  Belonging to groups Confident individualsEffective participators Social skills  Solving problems including interpersonal ones Responsible citizensTeam workers Empathy  Understanding the thoughts and feelings of others, Valuing and supporting others

60 What I want you to learn What I want you to do How I want you to do it A&D, CI, D&T, En, Ge, Hi, ICT, Ma, MFL, Mu, PE, PSHE, RE, Sc SEAL, PLTS Functional Skills LiL, L2L

61 The real reason we are in education is to have a significant impact on the whole development of the young person - isn’t it? SEAL is concerned with the whole person and that includes you.



64 Parents and SEAL Kate Duxbury

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