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Lecture 12: Cloud Computing-A Precocious fantasies SETI.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 12: Cloud Computing-A Precocious fantasies SETI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 12: Cloud Computing-A Precocious fantasies SETI

2 “Web Surfing” Your professor has a huge ego –(Ignore the paparazzi at the door) He’s also very competitive –Second place is the first of many losers He needs to know how often his name appears relative to other celebrities on the internet How long will this take?

3 “Web Surfing” Your professor has a huge ego –(Ignore the paparazzi at the door) He’s also very competitive –Second place is the first of many losers He needs to know how often his name appears relative to other celebrities on the internet How long will this take? FOREVER

4 “Web Surfing” My laptop just isn’t good enough –Not powerful enough –Not enough bandwidth to internet

5 “Web Surfing” My laptop just isn’t good enough –Not powerful enough –Not enough bandwidth to internet What if I add another laptop?

6 “Web Surfing” My laptop just isn’t good enough –Not powerful enough –Not enough bandwidth to internet What if I add another laptop? Another 10 laptops?

7 “Web Surfing” My laptop just isn’t good enough –Not powerful enough –Not enough bandwidth to internet What if I add another laptop? Another 10 laptops? 100?

8 “Web Surfing” I would need thousands and thousands of computers How could I do that?

9 “Web Surfing” I would need thousands and thousands of computers How could I do that? –Cloud computing!

10 Introduction Most computers aren’t used all the time –Idle throughout the day –Not using full capabilities We should make use of these computers for our needs

11 SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence You install the SETI software on your computer When your computer is idle, SETI software processes radio signals

12 SETI Really has no idea what your computer is (initially) Has no idea where it’s physically located Has no idea when your computer will be available

13 SETI So what does the SETI software know? –Your processor Type Number of cores –Your IP address(es) –Some misc stuff They’re just happy to get some more resources

14 Bringing it home… Image SETI to be “reverse cloud computing” –Your computer is the server When you’re the client, you want machines –Physical location doesn’t matter You don’t care about specs –…or you choose your servers with care You don’t know what machines you’re going to get

15 Input/Data Having computers is nice Where are they getting their input? –Generating it themselves? –Listening to something streaming live? –Using pre-generated data? If you already have data files, you need to make sure the computers can access them –We’ll talk more about this next time

16 Possible Tasks Playing games –Jeopardy!, chess, etc Speech recognition Pure computation –UP3DR –Traveling salesmen (well, we do have a cloud)

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