Shell model description of 0 and 1 ħω states in neutron-rich N = 18 and 19 nuclei with Z = 14 to 19 M. BOUHELAL (1), F. HAAS (2), E. CAURIER (2), F. NOWACKI.

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Presentation on theme: "Shell model description of 0 and 1 ħω states in neutron-rich N = 18 and 19 nuclei with Z = 14 to 19 M. BOUHELAL (1), F. HAAS (2), E. CAURIER (2), F. NOWACKI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shell model description of 0 and 1 ħω states in neutron-rich N = 18 and 19 nuclei with Z = 14 to 19 M. BOUHELAL (1), F. HAAS (2), E. CAURIER (2), F. NOWACKI (2) (1) Département des Sciences de la Matière, Université de Tébessa, Tébessa 12002, Alegria (2) IPHC, CNRS/IN2P3- Université de Strasbourg, F- 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France M. BOUHELAL (1), F. HAAS (2), E. CAURIER (2), F. NOWACKI (2) (1) Département des Sciences de la Matière, Université de Tébessa, Tébessa 12002, Alegria (2) IPHC, CNRS/IN2P3- Université de Strasbourg, F- 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France 1 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

2  sd Shell Nuclei  PSDPF interaction  Study of the N = 18 and 19 isotones :  Energy spectra  E3 transitions in even-even isotones  ConclusionOutline 2/20 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

3 sd Shell Nuclei : N, Z = 8 - 20 3/20  The sd –shell Nuclei  The 0 ħω states: sd ( 16 O) USD (USD A/B) Wildenthal (Brown et Richter)  The 1 ħω states : p-sd-pf ( 4 He ) allowing one nucleon jump PSDPF : in collaboration with the groupe CAN-Strasbourg (M. Bouhelal et al., Nucl. Phys. A 864, 113, 2011)  The sd –shell Nuclei  The 0 ħω states: sd ( 16 O) USD (USD A/B) Wildenthal (Brown et Richter)  The 1 ħω states : p-sd-pf ( 4 He ) allowing one nucleon jump PSDPF : in collaboration with the groupe CAN-Strasbourg (M. Bouhelal et al., Nucl. Phys. A 864, 113, 2011) 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

4 4/20 PSDPF interaction  PSDPF has been used to describe : N = 20 nuclei with Z = 14-16 (M. BOUHELAL et al, Eur. Phys. J. A 42, (2009) 529) 36 S Spectrum (M.BOUHELAL et al, AIP Conf.Proc.1165 (2009) 61) 22 Na and 23 Na Spectra and EMT properties (M. R. HAOUAM, M. BOUHELAL et al, AIP Conf.Proc.1491 (2012) 38) Phosphorus isotopic chain (M. BOUHELAL et al, AIP Conf.Proc.1444 (2012) 375) 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

5 5/20 PSDPF interaction  PSDPF calculations have been compared to new experimental data obtained for : 33 Si Spectrum (Z. M. Wang et al., Phys. Rev. C 81, (2010) 064301) 24 Mg Spectrum (P. Marley et al., Phys. Rev. C 84, (2011) 044332) 36 Cl Spectrum (S. Aydin et al., Phys. Rev. C 86, (2012) 024320) Chlorine Isotopes properties (S. Szilner et al., Phys. Rev. C 87, (2013) 054322) Properties of the mirrors 23 Na and 23 Mg (D.G. Jenkins et al., Phys. Rev. C 87, (2013) 064301) 35 S Spectrum (S. Aydin et al., Phys. Rev. C 89, (2014) 014310) 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

6 6/20 PSDPF interaction  γ  γ transitions connecting positive parity states : M1 and E2 new parameters obtained using USDA/B Hamiltonians  γ  γ transitions connecting negative parity states : M1 and E2  γ  γ transitions connecting states with opposite parities : M2, E1 and E3 can now be calculated using the PSDPF interaction The related parameters should be fitted Study of the pure E3 transitions 3 - 1 0 + g.s 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014 properties in sd shell nuclei Electromagnetic transitions properties in sd shell nuclei

7 7/20 PSDPF interaction 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014 in even-even sd nuclei E3 transitions in even-even sd nuclei ep=(1+δp)e and en=δne

8 8/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  32 Si 18 RMSD = 235 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

9 9/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  33 Si 19 RMSD = 135 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

10 10/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  33 P 18 RMSD = 143 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

11 11/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  34 P 19 RMSD = 68 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

12 12/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  34 S 18 RMSD = 181 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

13 13/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  35 S 19 RMSD = 121 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

14 14/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  35 Cl 18 RMSD = 211 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

15 15/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  36 Cl 19 RMSD = 123 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

16 16/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  36 Ar 18 RMSD = 269 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

17 17/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  37 Ar 19 and 37 K 18 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014 24 245 331

18 18/20 Study of the N =18 and 19 isotones with Z = 14 – 19 : Energy spectra  38 K 19 RMSD = 241 keV 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014

19 Study of Phosphorous isotopes with A = 30 – 35 : E3 Transitions 19/20 Energy of the 3 - state 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014 S(E3) in (W.u.) of the 3 - state : 3 - 1 0+ g.s

20 20/20Conclusion  We used our PSDPF interaction to describe the 0 and 1ħω states throughout the sd shell.  The results presented here are for N=18 and 19 isotones, for which PSDPF reproduces quite well both 0 and 1 ħω states.  The different tests made for the beginning, middle and the end of sd shell nuclei show that PSDPF gives good results at the begin and, especially, the end of the shell. In the middle, the 1ħω states have very fragmented (competition of p-sd and sd-pf jumps) wave functions which complicate their description.  We would like to refine our interaction in the near future using a new fitting code, developed by E. Caurier, where we can enter much more data from nuclei in the middle of sd-shell  As it was shown here, when we approach to N = 20, states with configurations more than 0p-0h and 1p-1h appear rapidly at low excitation energies. To describe them, we expect to develop the SDPF-U-Mix which allows more than one jump to the pf shell. 11 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Ischia, Mai 12-16, 2014


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