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D B A C E 3. earthquake2. drought 4. polar ice cap1. flood5. tornado.

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2 D B A C E

3 3. earthquake2. drought 4. polar ice cap1. flood5. tornado

4 The write believes that the fact that the world is getting warmer should definitely concern us, but that we shouldn’t exaggerate the problem.

5 floods, droughts and earthquakes. (… the temperature on Earth is rising, causing floods, droughts and perhaps even earthquake.) There isn’t much difference between the seasons now. (… winter used to cold and summers hot, but now there isn’t much difference between them.)

6 0,6 degrees centigrade (… global temperatures have risen 0.6 degree centigrade over the last 140 years.) Because Earth has been is existence for billions of years.( This is because Earth has been is existence for billions of years, and during that time there have been both warm periods and ice ages.)

7 50/ fifty (there have been computer predictions that in fifty years’ time parts of Europe could be under water.) because polar ice caps are melting (… the polar ice caps are melting and making sea levels rise.)

8 g a c e b d f h



11 complaints scientists unnatural predictions possibility definitely

12 the base form of a verb...we shouldn’t look Should we look …we shouldn’t believe these predications. …but we shouldn’t exaggerate the problem. …should we see this as something unnatural?.

13 base from


15 should shouldn’t should shouldn’t should

16 v v v v v

17 1 What is the weather like now? Woman You really shouldn’t go out in this weather! Son It’s not snowing anymore, Mom, and the wind’s stopped. Woman Yes, but it’s raining hard. Son That’s OK. I’ll wear my waterproof jacket and pants. No problem!

18 2 What did the earthquake damage? Girl Did the earthquake cause any damage to ıthe roads? Boy No, luckily it wasn’t a big one. Girl So no buildings fell down either, then? Boy No. One of my mom’s flower pots fell off our balcony, though.

19 3 What are they going to do? Woman Do you want to go to the beach today? Man Not the beach again! Let’s do something different. Let’s go for a walk by the river or a ride in the mountains. Woman OK, but it’s too hot to walk anywhere. Man Let’s drive then. I’ll get the car keys.

20 4 What is the boy going to write about? Boy I have to do a project about an environmental problem. What shall I write about? Girl Well, litter’s a big problem, and so are factories. The government should stop them from polluting the atmosphere. But I think the worst problem is global warming. Boy Hmm – I think I’ll write about litter – ıthat’s a problem we can do something about right away. Girl That’s true. And lots of other people will probably write about global warming anyway.

21 5 What season of the year is it? Woman This is my favorite season of the year. I love fall. Man Do you really? I thought you were a summer person. Woman No, not really. I have to admit that I like spring, when the flowers are starting to grow and the weather’s getting warmer. But this is the best time of all. Everything looks so pretty with all the leaves starting to fall. Man You should see fall in New York. It’s even more beautiful there at this time of year!




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