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English I 10/3-10/14. DBW(Daily Bell Work) for 10/3&6/14 Focus on Sentence Fragments Exercise: Step One: Choose the sentence that is not a fragment. Step.

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Presentation on theme: "English I 10/3-10/14. DBW(Daily Bell Work) for 10/3&6/14 Focus on Sentence Fragments Exercise: Step One: Choose the sentence that is not a fragment. Step."— Presentation transcript:

1 English I 10/3-10/14

2 DBW(Daily Bell Work) for 10/3&6/14 Focus on Sentence Fragments Exercise: Step One: Choose the sentence that is not a fragment. Step Two: Label the dependent and independent clauses in the sentence. Label the subject and verb. 1. Who attended the MCHS Homecoming Dance. 2. Even if I don’t go, I want to find out who attended the MCHS Homecoming Dance. 3. Even if I don’t go. Rule: Every sentence must have: a subject, an action, a complete thought. Rule: A sentence fragment fails to be a sentence because it: does not express a complete thought; is lacking a subject; is lacking an action; is a dependent clause.

3 DBW(Daily Bell Work) for 10/7&8/14 Focus on Sentence Fragments Exercise: Step One: Choose the sentence that is not a fragment. Step Two: Label the dependent and independent clauses in the sentence. Label the subject and verb. 1. Because Shelly doesn’t attend tutoring. 2. But she has nobody to blame but herself. 3. Shelly is frustrated because she’s failing class, so she says. Rule: Every sentence must have: a subject, an action, a complete thought. Rule: A sentence fragment fails to be a sentence because it: does not express a complete thought; is lacking a subject; is lacking an action; is a dependent clause.

4 DBW(Daily Bell Work) for 10/9&10/14 Focus on Sentence Fragments Exercise: Step One: Choose the sentence that is not a fragment. Step Two: Label the dependent and independent clauses in the sentence. Label the subject and verb. 1. James told his mom she couldn’t force him to go to the dance. 2. Consequences such as grounding, extra chores, and no allowance. 3. Which is why James’s mom made him go. Rule: Every sentence must have: a subject, an action, a complete thought. Rule: A sentence fragment fails to be a sentence because it: does not express a complete thought; is lacking a subject; is lacking an action; is a dependent clause.

5 DVW (Daily Vocabulary Work) for 10/3&6/14 Focus on ACT/SAT Top 100 Words 31. Disdain– To regard with scorn. 32. Divergent – Variant, moving apart. 33. Empathy – Sharing of feelings. 34. Emulate – Follow an example. 35. Enervating – Tiring, weakening. Use individual whiteboards and markers to create illustrations/graphic representations/social commentary showing you understand the definitions of each word. common-satact-vocabulary-words-flash-cards/

6 Take Of Mice and Men Reading Quiz 4 on Chapter 4 Remember: Write your name, class, date at top of paper. Write all answers as detailed, complete declarative sentences. Answer all parts of each question.

7 Finish Creative Character Silhouettes for Of Mice and Men on 10/3/14 Finished Product Must Include: 2 Completed Graphic Organizers taped/glued to silhouette that show two different aspects of characterization. These graphic organizers must be completed first.

8 Finish Creative Character Silhouettes for Of Mice and Men on 10/3/14 The Finished Silhouette Must Include: 2 Graphic Organizers Attached to Silhouette 3 Additional Character- Specific References (Pick from quotes, images, or settings) Character Name/Book Name All Group Members’ Names Neat Work/All Edges Trimmed, Not Ragged

9 Finish Creative Character Silhouettes for Of Mice and Men on 10/3/14 Rules Include: Actively Contributing (10 Pts) Staying Task Focused (10 Pts) Being Polite to Sub/Peers (10 Pts) Delivering High Quality Finished Product (10 Pts) Including a Minimum of 5 Correct/Specific Character References

10 Finish Creative Character Silhouettes for Of Mice and Men on 10/3/14 You Must Finish by End of Class—No Additional Time Will Be Given

11 Group Activity for 10/7-8/14 Characterization in Chapter 4: 1. pp. 66-67 Is Crooks established through direct or indirect characterization? Why? 2. pp. 68-69 What type of characterization is being used here? Find evidence to support your answer. 3. pp. 71-72 What is Crooks’s motive? 4. p. 77 What is Candy’s motive? 5. P. 78 What type of conflict is Curley’s wife experiencing?

12 WFA 5 Given on 10/7-8/14 Data Analysis CLASSCLASS AVERAGE English I 2A78% English I 3A81% Honors English I 4A87% English 4B76%

13 “To a Mouse” by Robert Burns (Inspiration for Title of Novel) …Your small house, too, in ruin! Its feeble walls the winds are scattering! And nothing now, to build a new one, Of coarse grass green! And bleak December's winds coming, Both bitter and keen! You saw the fields laid bare and wasted, And weary winter coming fast, And cozy here, beneath the blast, You thought to dwell, Till crash! the cruel plough passed Out through your cell.

14 “To a Mouse” by Robert Burns (Inspiration for Title of Novel) That small bit heap of leaves and stubble, Has cost you many a weary nibble! Now you are turned out, for all your trouble, Without house or holding, To endure the winter's sleety dribble, And hoar-frost cold. But little Mouse, you are not alone, In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes of mice and men Often go astray, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, For promised joy!

15 Listen to audiobook version of Chapter 5, Take Quiz, Journal Journal Prompt: 1. Are Lennie and Curley’s wife similar or different? Why? 2. Are Lennie and Curley’s wife in charge of their lives (have free will) or are they victims of fate? 3. Describe a time when your “best laid plans went astray.”

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