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Created by Ted Johnson & Alex Tejeda Click anywhere to begin.

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2 Created by Ted Johnson & Alex Tejeda Click anywhere to begin

3 vivir I am living I am living you (tú) you (tú) are living are living he, she, it or he, she, it or you (usted) you (usted) are living are living we are living we are living escribir I am writing I am writing you (tú) you (tú) writing are writing he, she, it or he, she, it or you (usted) you (usted) are writing are writing we are writing we are writing abrirrecibir we are receiving we are receiving he, she, it or he, she, it or you (usted) you (usted) are receiving are receiving you (tú) you (tú) are receiving are receiving I am receiving I am receiving we are opening we are opening he, she, it or he, she, it or you (usted) you (usted) are opening are opening you (tú) you (tú) are opening are opening I am opening I am opening They or you (ustedes) or you (ustedes) are living are living They or you (ustedes) or you (ustedes) are writing are writing They or you (ustedes) or you (ustedes) are receiving are receiving They or you (ustedes) or you (ustedes) are opening are opening you (vosotros) you (vosotros) are living are living you (vosotros) you (vosotros) are writing are writing you (vosotros) you (vosotros) are receiving are receiving you (vosotros) you (vosotros) are opening are opening Press the ESC key to terminate the game

4 How would you say I am living ? vivevivo vivís viven vivimosvives

5 How would you say I am writing ? escribimosescribís escribo escribe escribesescriben

6 How would you say I am receiving ? recibesrecibís recibimos recibo recibereciben

7 How would you say I am opening ? abrísabres abren abro abrimosabre

8 How would you say you (tú) are living ? vivevivo vivís vivimos vivenvives

9 How would you say you (tú) are writing ? escribesescribe escriben escribimos escribísescribo

10 How would you say you (tú) are receiving ? reciborecibes recibimos recibe recibenrecibís

11 How would you say you (tú) are opening ? abrenabrís abre abrimos abroabres

12 How would you say He, she, it or you (usted) are living ? vivevivo vivís viven vivimosvives

13 How would you say He, she, it or you (usted) are writing ? escribenescribo escribimos escribís escribeescribes

14 How would you say He, she, it or you (usted) are receiving ? reciborecibe recibes recibís recibenrecibimos

15 How would you say He, she, it or you (usted) are opening ? abrenabrimos abrís abres abroabre

16 How would you say we are living ? vivevivo vivís viven vivimosvives

17 How would you say we are writing ? escribimosescribís escribes escribo escribeescriben

18 How would you say we are receiving ? recibenrecibes recibe recibís recibimosrecibo

19 How would you say we are opening ? abreabrimos abrís abren abroabres

20 How would you say you (vosotros) are living ? vivevivo vivís viven vivimosvives

21 How would you say you (vosotros) are writing ? escribeescribís escribes escribo escribimosescriben

22 How would you say you (vosotros) are receiving ? reciborecibes reciben recibís reciberecibimos

23 How would you say you (vosotros) are opening ? abreabres abrimos abren abrísabro

24 How would you say they or you (ustedes) are living? vivevivo vivís viven vivimosvives

25 How would you say they or you (ustedes) are writing ? escribeescribo escribís escriben escribimosescribes

26 How would you say they or you (ustedes) are receiving ? recibesrecibe recibo recibís recibimosreciben

27 How would you say they or you (ustedes) are opening ? abroabres abren abrimos abreabrís

28 Click here to continue

29 Click here to continue

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