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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

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1 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…
* Questions & Answers from Pflaum, Loyola,, the Bible, and the internet Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

2 Advent Saints & Feast Days Prayers Bible Music Basics 200 400 600 800
1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

3 Saints & Feast Days: 200 Question:
He was a bishop best known for his generosity to children. He gave gifts to a poor family so they would have enough money to stay together. Answer including Feast Day Who is St. Nicholas? Feast Day - December 6 Back

4 Saints & Feast Days: 400 Question:
My name means light. Even today in some Scandinavian countries, a young girl wears a crown of candles on my feast day. Answer including Feast Day Who is St. Lucy? Feast Day - December 13 Back

5 Saints & Feast Days: 600 Question:
I appeared to an Aztec, called Juan Diego. Answer including Feast Day Who is Our Lady of Guadalupe? Feast Day - December 12 Back

6 Saints & Feast Days: 800 Question:
As a missionary, I carried the words of Jesus to Indian and Japan. I was with my good friend Ignatius of Loyola when he started the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). I am known as a great missionary of the Church. Answer including Feast Day Who is St. Francis Xavier? Feast Day - December 3 Back

7 Saints & Feast Days: 1000 Question:
We died when King Herod tried to kill Jesus. Answer including Feast Day Who are the Holy Innocents. Feast Day - December 28 Back

8 Prayers: 200 Question: A portion of the text of this prayer is found in Luke’s Gospel where Elizabeth proclaims, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Answer What is the “Hail Mary”? Back

9 Prayers: 400 Question: Once a week, families light a candle and say ta special prayer around this popular advent symbol. Answer What is the Advent Wreath? Back

10 Prayers: 600 Question: These prayers have been part of the Evening Prayer during the eight days that lead up to Christmas since the ninth century. Answer What are the “O Antiphons”? Back

11 Prayers: 800 Question: Complete this prayer: Answer Who is “Abraham”?
He has come to the help of his servant Israel for he has remembered his promise of mercy, the promise he made to our fathers, to ______________ and his children forever. Answer Who is “Abraham”? Back

12 Prayers: 1000 Name this prayer:
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen. Answer What is the “Saint Andrew Christmas Novena”? Back

13 Bible: 200 Question: Mary’s visitor who delivers the message that God wants her to be the mother of Jesus. Answer Who is the angel Gabriel? Back

14 Bible: 400 Question: The baby who “leapt” in Elizabeth’s womb when Mary came to visit her. Answer Who is John the Baptist? Back

15 Bible: 600 Question: By far, the most popular accounting of the birth of Jesus. Answer What is Luke’s Infancy Narrative? Back

16 Bible: 800 Question: This Gospel begins with the Genealogy of Jesus.
Answer What is the Gospel according to Mark? Back

17 Bible: 1000 Question: The humble beginning of Jesus parallel this other famous person of the Bible. Answer Who is Moses? Back

18 Music: 200 Lyrics: O come, Desire of nations, bind in one the hearts of all mankind; bid thou our sad divisions cease, and be thyself our King of Peace. Answer What is “O come, O come, Emmanuel”? Back

19 Music: 400 Lyrics: Not by human flesh and blood; by the Spirit of our God was the Word of God made flesh, woman's offspring, pure and fresh. Answer What is “Savior of the Nations, Come”? Back

20 Music: 600 Question: These prayers have been part of the Evening Prayer during the eight days that lead up to Christmas since the ninth century. Answer What are the “O Antiphons”? Back

21 Music: 800 Question: These prayers have been part of the Evening Prayer during the eight days that lead up to Christmas since the ninth century. Answer What are the “O’ Antiphons”? Back

22 Music: 1000 Name this Song: O Lord of Light, our only hope of glory, your radiance shines in all who look to you. Come light the hearts of all in dark and shadow. Answer What is “My Soul in Stillness Waits”? Back

23 Basics: 200 Question: This is the Church’s color for the Season of Advent? Answer What is purple or royal purple? Back

24 Basics: 400 Question: There are four of these in the Season of Advent.
Answer What are Sundays? Back

25 Basics: 600 Question: This word defines “Advent” and was prophesized in the Old Testament. Answer What is “coming”? Back

26 Basics: 800 Question: This candle on the advent wreath symbolizes joy and is lit on Gaudete (means Rejoice) Sunday. Answer What is the pink candle? Back

27 Basics: 1000 Question: A prophet from the Old Testament who predicted the coming of the Savior. The first to “draw attention to a special baby, sent from God to be born of a young woman.” The prophet proclaimed the baby’s name would be “Emmanuel.” Answer Who is Isaiah? Back

28 Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question:
This Advent craft centers on verses in Isaiah and Matthew that speak of the father of King David and features pictures of some of the forty-two generations of Jesus’ ancestors from both the Old and New Testaments. Answer What is the Jesse Tree? Back

29 Daily Double The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money
You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

30 Daily Double The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money
You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

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