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CRSCD Teacher Leadership System FEBRUARY, 2015. CRCSD & CREA share the VISION  To provide all teachers with multiple opportunities to hone their exceptional.

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Presentation on theme: "CRSCD Teacher Leadership System FEBRUARY, 2015. CRCSD & CREA share the VISION  To provide all teachers with multiple opportunities to hone their exceptional."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRSCD Teacher Leadership System FEBRUARY, 2015

2 CRCSD & CREA share the VISION  To provide all teachers with multiple opportunities to hone their exceptional instructional skills while learning and practicing strategies to bring out the best in their colleagues.

3 Collaboration is important  Joint participation on grant application  Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU) developed before we knew we had received the grant  Opportunity for additional coaching through NEA Foundation grant


5 MOU : Selection Process  The interview team:  Will include at least as many teachers as administrators  Will be agreed upon, at the building level, by the CREA Rep and the building administrator  Will be agreed upon, at the district level, by the Deputy Superintendent and the President of the Teacher’s Association

6 MOU : Evaluation  A separate evaluation tool to measure performance of teachers in teacher leadership positions  Teacher leaders maintain their 279 Contract and are placed back in a position that meets their licensure  Not progressing on the measures of performance and professional growth  Teacher leader chooses to not continue as a teacher leader


8 Think About it & Talk about it  Think about these questions.  How are you already collaborating through this Teacher Leadership process?  What is one area you might need to improve in collaboration?  What ideas, that you hear today, would you like to try in your district?  Share your answers

9 Questions:

10 Additional Information  CRCSD Teacher Leadership System web-site leadership/system/ leadership/system/  Dr. Trace Pickering : Assistant Superintendent  Stephen Probert : Teacher Leadership System Facilitator  Tania Johnson: CREA President & Resolution Team Facilitator

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