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Good Deeds Make Good Sense Dr. Bobby Hill. The History of the Evangelical Church Since the early 1900’s the evangelical church moved away from humanitarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Deeds Make Good Sense Dr. Bobby Hill. The History of the Evangelical Church Since the early 1900’s the evangelical church moved away from humanitarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Deeds Make Good Sense Dr. Bobby Hill

2 The History of the Evangelical Church Since the early 1900’s the evangelical church moved away from humanitarian efforts. Some have isolated themselves from the world altogether. This is a new day and God has a fresh word for His church!

3 Good News + Good Deeds = Good Sense GOOD NEWSGOOD DEEDS Great Commission Mt. 28:19-20 Great Commandment Mt. 22:37-39 TruthProof

4 I. Good Deeds are Required by God Micah 6:8 James 2:17-18 I Timothy 6:18 Hebrews 10:24 Matthew 25:35-36

5 II. Good Deeds Benefit Others and our Communities HOW? They cause people to glorify God; Matt. 5:16; I Peter 2:12 They move people towards Jesus Christ.

6 III. Good Deeds Change Our Hearts They soften hard hearts They allow us to feel God’s compassion. I John 3:17-18

7 IV. Good Deeds are the Duty of the Church Acts 9:36; Dorcas of Joppa James 1:27

8 Good News + Good Deeds = Good Sense

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