To use media clips, the Bible and the teachings of Jesus to understand what Christians teach about JUSTICE.

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Presentation on theme: "To use media clips, the Bible and the teachings of Jesus to understand what Christians teach about JUSTICE."— Presentation transcript:

1 To use media clips, the Bible and the teachings of Jesus to understand what Christians teach about JUSTICE.

2 Grade C All will be able to describe the work of Christian agencies seeking justice in the world. Grade B Most will be able to explain why Christians should behave justly. Grade A/A* Some will be able to compare Old and New Testament teachings on justice and express an opinion on these teachings. Grade C All will be able to describe the work of Christian agencies seeking justice in the world. Grade B Most will be able to explain why Christians should behave justly. Grade A/A* Some will be able to compare Old and New Testament teachings on justice and express an opinion on these teachings.

3 Here Bob Marley is singing about JUSTICE – What is JUSTICE? What RIGHTS is he taking about? The song says… “ We know when we understand: Almighty God is a living man” What do you think he meant by this?

4 For Christians JUSTICE is not only about the law or punishing criminals. Christians believe that they should behave JUSTLY, which means… TREATING OTHER PEOPLE IN A FAIR AND JUST WAY. Use the following slides to work out WHY Christians believe this and WHY JUSTICE is important to Christians.

5 This means… God expects humanity to act in a JUST way. “This is what the LORD says :Maintain JUSTICE and do what is right” (Isaiah 56:1)

6 The Bible teaches… Everyone was created equally by God and should therefore be treated fairly and justly. “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

7 Jesus taught… everyone should be treated equally and fairly (e.g. by helping the poor and those in need) ‘Love thy neighbour”

8 This means… treat everyone in the same way, in the right way, how you would expect to be treated. ‘…do to others what you would have them do to you…’ (Matthew 7:12)

9 Churches teach their congregation to… behave JUSTLY, they promote helping the poor and those in need.

10 On Judgement Day… God will judge humanities behaviour on Earth – those that have behaved JUSTLY will be rewarded and those that have acted UNJUSTLY will be punished.

11 Go to PAGE 91 of your REVISION BOOKLET and LOOK AT QUESTION 2. THE GOOD NEWS = you don’t have to complete the question Which PE would you find the most difficult and why? Hopefully you said the LAST ONE as we haven't covered this yet. Attempt to complete this (JUST THE LAST PE )

12 Grade B Most will be able to explain why Christians should behave justly. Grade B Most will be able to explain why Christians should behave justly.

13 Christians try to bring JUSTICE into the world today by following Jesus’ teachings. Many Christians try to ensure that the worlds resources are shared more equally. Christians would also be concerned about areas of the world where people are oppressed and treated unjustly. Many choose to donate money or volunteer for organisations campaigning for JUSTICE. Two Christian groups that do this are CAFOD and CHRISTIAN AID. Use the following video clips to note down some information about these organisations.

14 Christian Aid What? When? Where? How? Christian charity that campaigns against injustice and oppression of the poor. Founded in 1945 after the 2 nd World War Works in the worlds poorest countries. Also countries that have been struck by natural disasters or are war torn Seeks to change policies of governments in rich countries campaigning against unjust debt. Provides immediate aid and medication to those in need.

15 Catholic Fund for Overseas Development What? Where? How? Catholic Christian charity that campaigns for justice for the poor. Its mission is to promote human development and social justice through Christian values. Works in the worlds poorest countries. Has campaigned against landmines and 3 rd World Debt. Completes protests and marches and raises funds to send aid and help those in need.

16 How can Christians put their beliefs about justice into practice today?


18 Grade C All will be able to describe the work of Christian agencies seeking justice in the world. Grade C All will be able to describe the work of Christian agencies seeking justice in the world.

19 What is the difference between the kind of JUDGEMENT and JUSTICE shown by OLD TESTAMENT God and NEW TESTAMENT God? Watch the following TWO clips to COMPARE.

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22 What is the difference between the kind of JUDGEMENT and JUSTICE shown by OLD TESTAMENT God and NEW TESTAMENT God? Which God falls more in line with Christian teachings on JUSTICE? Which view of JUDGEMENT and JUSTICE do you most agree with and why?

23 Grade A/A* Some will be able to compare Old and New Testament teachings on justice and express an opinion on these teachings. Grade A/A* Some will be able to compare Old and New Testament teachings on justice and express an opinion on these teachings.

24 Draw a pyramid in the back of your books and spit it into 3... What have you learnt today? What have you been reminded of today? Think of a question you would like answering.

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