MENTOR UPDATE The 2004 curriculum In Partnership with Service.

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1 MENTOR UPDATE The 2004 curriculum In Partnership with Service.

2 Mentor Update  Welcome to the Mentor Update. This presentation is designed to familiarise you with the design of the programme that has applied to students joining the College since September 2004.  If you have any other student related issues you would like to discuss please feel free to raise them at any point in the presentation.

3 The 2004 Curricula. The 2004 revision of the nursing and midwifery curricula. Responding to national and local service and student evaluations of the previous courses. Introducing inter-professional learning opportunities to promote inter-professional working. Advanced DiplomaIncludes courses at Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Degree level for all branches & courses.

4 Intakes & Branches  September  Adult (DipHE & BSc)  Children’s nursing  Learning Disabilities  January  Adult (DipHE)  Mental Health  Midwifery

5 In September 2004 we started a new curriculum. This curriculum is the fourth evolution of the new form of nurse education that started in 1989 (Project 2000). The main change is that elements of inter-professional learning will be included…. Terms 2, 5 & 8 will see shared learning with other students on health related courses. This is intended to improve inter-professional working in the longer term.

6 Base Sites:  The college has base sites in three areas and 2004 saw an increase in the amount of theory taught on these:  The Education Centre, Ipswich Hospital.  The Drake Centre in Gt. Yarmouth  The New Education Centre in Bury St Edmunds.  Main Site – Rope Walk. Ipswich.

7 Term Structure  Number = 3 per year  Length = 14 weeks + 1 week.  The CFP and the Branches are all 50% theory & 50% Practice.  The last three weeks of most consist of 1 week reading, 1 week assessment and 1 extra week for practice recovery if required.

8 The Course for one Cohort (T=in college, P=in practice, A=assessment – in college, CR=clinical recovery, P/S=practice with study day to be negotiated between student and practice, P/T= practice with a study day requiring college attendance on a fixed day, R=reading/revision week) Weeks Terms

9 Issues to Note  The ‘working’ week is 37.5 hrs  Total time to be achieved = 4600hrs in 3 years  Weekend attendance on placements is expected  Student status; not an employee  Professional discipline through college codes  Higher Education ethos  Annual Leave defined at the start

10 The Common Foundation Programme  Term 1: An introduction to the science and art of caring including essential course/branch specific skills.  Term 2: Examination of the organisation of caring and the competencies required, including inter-professional development of communication skills.  Term 3: Considering Health and Illness across the lifespan – and consequent delivery of care to meet needs.

11 Further Issues  There are 16 weeks per annum “down time” for practice.  Practice recovery time is to catch up missed periods and is not counted in the original calculations.  Hand in dates for theory and practice assessments are defined from the start of the course.

12 Personal attributes looked for in students at the point of recruitment Motivation: Insight into the nature of caring. Education: Capable of managing a Diploma in Higher Education. Presentation: Effective, (emerging), communication skills. Demonstrates the determination needed to complete a demanding project over time.

13 Branch – Year 1. Term 4. Branch Specific science and competency development. Term 5. Research Awareness and inter-professional learning. Term 6. Branch specific – the organisation and delivery of care.

14 Branch – Year 2. Term 7. The delivery of care. Term 8. Professional Life – the context of care. Term 9. Consolidation for the emerging professional.

15 APEL  Prospective candidates will be invited  AGNVQ, NVQ (3), BTEC (H&SC).  Suitable practice experience.  After 1 semester join Branch.  Bridging module.  Saves 2 semesters.  Many eligible applicants prefer the 3 year option

16 Assessment:  All terms are assessed by the same objectives for theory and practice.  Practice to be assessed by portfolio using a learning taxonomy. ‘Formative’ assessment of practice in terms 1 & 2 of each year. Summative in term 3.  Theory is assessed by written assignment, examination, presentation or project and is summative in all terms.

17 Other Issues to Note  Uniform is provided. Guidance on proper use may be required.  Travel expenses to placements may be reclaimed under some circumstances.  Assessment is of the overall performance in practice.  Reading around practice issues should be encouraged.

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