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Title I Annual Parent Meeting Liberty Grove Elementary September 29, 2014.

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1 Title I Annual Parent Meeting Liberty Grove Elementary September 29, 2014

2 What is Title I? Title I is a K-12 program that provides additional academic support and learning opportunities for students at schools with high percentages of socioeconomically disadvantaged students. The program is intended to ensure that all students meet state academic achievement standards.

3 Goals of Title I  Increase academic achievement  Provide direct instructional support for students  Provide professional development support for teachers  Promote parent education and involvement

4 Parent Rights  Ask for meetings and trainings  Review the results of the annual parent involvement effectiveness survey  Review the school’s achievement data  Review the parent involvement policy and make suggestions for modification

5 Parent Involvement  Two parent representatives will be members of our Campus Improvement Team (CIT), and have the ability to contribute to the decisions made for our campus on the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP)  We are currently looking for two volunteers to serve on the Liberty Grove CIT.

6 Liberty Grove Parent Involvement Policy Key points  Parents will be involved in the planning, review and improvement of the school’s parental involvement policy.  Campus Improvement Team Representation

7 Liberty Grove Parent Involvement Policy Key points  Materials and training to help parents will be provided.  Math/Science Night  Literacy Night  Weekly folders

8 Liberty Grove Parent Involvement Policy  Key Points  Teacher training on parent collaboration  Reaching out and communicating  Parents are partners  Building ties between home and school  Flyers, phone messages, notices, memos, school newsletters, campus web pages, school programs and meetings  Parent conferences

9 Liberty Grove Parent Involvement Policy  Key Points  Funds set aside for parent involvement  Materials and refreshments for programs

10 Liberty Grove Parent Involvement Policy  Key Points  Information to Parents  Title I meeting  Parent/teacher conferences  Family Nights/Meet the Teacher/Orientation  Class Newletters/Principal Monthly letters  Progress/report cards  STAAR Night  State assessment data

11 Liberty Grove Parent Involvement Policy  Key Points  Volunteer Opportunities  Watch Dogs  Field Trips  PTA  Classroom helpers

12 School Performance Data 3 rd Grade

13 School Performance Data 4 th Grade

14 School Performance Data 5 th Grade

15 Liberty Grove Elementary Campus Improvement Plan Committee Members Bari Wooley- Comm. Rep Leeann Ayala- 5 th Melanie Farrell-4th Jeanette Glaze-3 rd Kathy Martin- 2 nd Sylvia Ruiz- 1 st Lisa Sinkule- IST Michelle Thompson- Sped Pam Bell- Comm. Rep Greg Chatman- Comm. Rep Linda Sires- GISD Rep Susan Clark- para Elisa Wittrock- principal _______________- parent

16 Campus Improvement Plan Goal1 Learning Environment - We will provide a secure learning environment that allows active student participation and opportunities to collaborate through relevant content and instruction. Performance Objective 100% of students will be engage in classrooms that promote collaboration and 21st century skills through rigorous learning opportunities.

17 Campus Improvement Plan Goal 2 Digital Tools - We will develop processes and applications to achieve the equitable distribution of digital resources, along with adequate training and support for implementation.

18 Campus Improvement Plan Goal 3 Learning Standards - We will develop an aligned, standards-based system which will be delivered consistently where each child will receive the basic foundations in addition to challenging and relevant learning.

19 Campus Improvement Plan Goal 4 Assessment - We will develop a consistent, yet flexible system of assessing students' progress with appropriate feedback and ensure this system is clearly communicated to students, staff, parents and the community. Performance Objective 100% of parents will receive ongoing information regarding the progress of their students

20 Campus Improvement Plan Goal 5 Learning Organization - We will promote and support innovative and exemplary curriculum, professional development, and instructional practices in order to continuously enhance teaching and extend learning. Performance Objective 100% of teachers will integrate Fundamental Five and Thinking Maps in their daily instructional practices.

21 Campus Improvement Plan Goal 6 Accountability - We will monitor and maintain key performance indicators to assess progress toward goals. Performance Objective By June 2015, the STAAR Level II- Phase II passing percentage will by 15% for all grade 3-5 students.

22 Campus Improvement Plan Goal 7 Partnerships - We will create a variety of partnerships, including families, colleges, businesses, and community organizations that establish avenues to vault student success. Performance Objective During the 2014-15 school year, increase parental/community involvement by 5% based on sign in sheets, raptor and parental survey.

23 Campus Improvement Team Required Meetings Six times per school year  3 in first semester  3 in second semester

24 First Campus Improvement Team Meeting October 2 nd, 2014 @ 3:30 PM Any parents interested in joining the team- send an email to Ms. Wittrock If more than two volunteers, names will be drawn randomly

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