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After School Program Taekwondo & Homework

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Presentation on theme: "After School Program Taekwondo & Homework"— Presentation transcript:

1 After School Program Taekwondo & Homework
Seong’s Taekwondo World Oakville 461 North Service Rd. W. #43 (905) Seong’s Taekwondo World Mississauga 1055 Canadian Place #105 (905)

2 A+ After School Program
Free Pick Up from School Daily Taekwondo Classes Supervised Homework Time Reading & Tutoring Snack Time Game & Activities School Dismissal to 6:00pm

3 After School Program Registration
Child Name : _____________________________ Age : ____________ DOB : _____/_____/________ M / F Home Address : _________________________________________________________________________________ City : ____________________________ Province : ________ Postal Code : ___________________________ Phone # : _________________________________ Cell # : _________________________________ Health Card # : ______________________________________ Allergies : ________________________________ Special Needs : __________________________________________________________________________________ School Information School Name : _________________________________________Grade : _________________ Address : _________________________________________________________________________________________ City : __________________________ Phone # : __________________________ Dismissal Time : _________________ Parental Information (Emergency Contact) Name : (Mother)_____________________________________(Father)_____________________________________ Home Address (If Different from above) : _______________________________________________________ Phone # : _______________________ Work Phone # : _______________________ Cell # : ______________________ In registering my child to attend Master Seong’s Taekwondo World program. I undersigned parent, guardian hereby agree as follow ; To permit my child to participate in the full range of activities I agree to let my child go to supervised excursions outside the Taekwondo World Facility I understand that photographs and/or video taken during the programs may be used in promotional material I hereby consent to such use by Taekwondo World Print Name : ______________________________________ Signature : ___________________________________________ Date : ___________________________________________

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