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A pictorial history... Milford Middle School building 1929 - 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "A pictorial history... Milford Middle School building 1929 - 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 a pictorial history... Milford Middle School building 1929 - 2013

2 circa 1929...courtesy of Delaware Public Archives (State Board of Education Collection)

3 addition built 1929-1931

4 1946 Superintendent of Milford Schools Robert E. Shilling 1919-1946 Asst. Superintendent of Milford Schools W. W. McGinnis 1943-1946

5 Superintendent Ramon C. Cobbs 1950 - 1955 High School Principal M. A. Glasmire 1950 - 1955 1952 1951

6 1953

7 1955

8 1956 Superintendent Chester T. Dickerson 1956 - 1969 Principal William W. Hickman 1956

9 1957 Principal James E. Atkinson 1957 - 1962 Administrative Asst. Willard W. Hickman 1957 - 1969

10 1958


12 1961

13 1962

14 1963 Senior High Principal James E. Atkinson 1963 - 1964 Junior High Principal W. W. McGinnes 1963 - 1964

15 1964

16 1965 High School Principal Teeman P. Haithcock 1965 - 1968

17 1966 High School Principal Teeman P. Haithcock 1965 - 1968 Asst. High School Principal John Kinnikin 1966 - 1967

18 1967

19 1968 Asst. Principal Bernard Briggs 1968

20 1969 Asst. Principal Leonard Hill 1969-1970 Principal Glen M. Moyer 1969-1970

21 1970 Superintendent Dr. Charles A. McLaughlin 1970 - the last year as the high school

22 1970 Last graduating senior class in this building Administrative Asst. Chester T. Dickerson 1970 - Director Of Instruction Willard W. Hickman 1970 -

23 1973 Associate Principal Ed Bruchak 1973 - 1974 Assistant Principal Gary Annett 1973 - 1974 Principal James Kerr 1973 - 1974

24 1974

25 1975 Principal Gary Annett 1975 - 1984 Assistant Principal Jim Gussett 1975 - 1984 Assistant Principal Kae Everhart 1975 - 1984

26 1976 1977 1979

27 1980 the start of Lakeview Elementary School (2 floors attachment ) main building still Milford Middle School

28 1983 Gussett, Annett, Everhart

29 Principal Dr. Gary Annett 1975 - 1999 Asst. Principal Jeanel Starling 1985 - 1988 Asst. Principal Dr. James Guessett 1975 - 1999 1985

30 1988 Principal Dr. Gary Annett 1975 - 1999 Asst. Principal Dr. James Guessett 1975 - 1999 Asst. Principal Jean Wylie 1988 - 1999

31 1989 1991

32 1992 1996

33 1999 Principal Fred Best 1999-2000 Asst. Principal Jeff Conrad 1999-2000 Asst. Principal Tina Rhue 1999-2000

34 2000 Principal Ken Hutchins 2000 Asst. Principal Gus Walker 2000 Asst. Principal Tina Rhue 2000

35 2001 2002 Principal Myra Leighty 2001 - 2003 Asst. Principals Tina Rhue Heinz Retzlaff 2001 - 2003

36 2003 Principal Kevin Dickerson 2003 - 2007 Asst. Principal Nicole Durkin 2003 - 2007 Asst. Principal Nancy Carnevale 2003 - 2007

37 2004 above/below… taken from the book “Milford Eleven”

38 2005

39 2006 - 2007

40 2008 Principal Dr. Nicole Durkin 2007 - 2010 Asst. Principal Mike Hilligoss 2007 - 2010 Asst. Principal Tricia Martin 2007 - 2010

41 2009

42 2010 Principal Nancy Carnevale 2010 - 2013 Asst. Principal Mike Hilligoss 2007 - 2011

43 2011 Principal Nancy Carnevale 2010 - 2013 Asst. Principal Dr. Mark McDaniel 2011 - 2013

44 2012

45 snaps throughout the years


47 May 2013


49 2013 : the last hoorah! What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. -- T. S. Elliott a huge pictorial appreciation goes out to Nancy Carnevale, Kim Cole, Trisha Davis, Mark Hatfield, Mandy Reynolds, Marvin Schelhouse, Pam Taylor, & Missie Wheatley

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