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Surface Area & Volume of Prisms, Pyramids, Cones and Cylinders

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1 1.4-1.6 Surface Area & Volume of Prisms, Pyramids, Cones and Cylinders
Unit 3 – Math 10 C

2 Volume Volume is calculated by finding the AREA of the BASE of a 3D object and then multiplying by the height. The base of a 3D object is perpendicular to its height. Volume is measured in units3 because the objects are three-dimensional.

3 Surface Area Surface area is calculated by finding the AREA of each SURFACE (go figure!), and then adding them all together. Surface Area is measured in units2 because the shapes are two-dimensional.

4 What measurement would you use?
Painting your bedroom Putting up baseboards Measuring the amount of air in your room Laying carpet Wrapping a present Mowing the lawn Filling a juice can Fencing off a field

5 Example 1: Surface Area Find the surface area of the closed cylinder, correct to one decimal place. 6.6 cm 6.6 cm 9.7 cm

6 Example 2: Surface Area The walls of Hana’s bedroom are to be painted, except for the door, closet doors, window floor and ceiling. Determine the area to be painted. One can of paint covers 32 m2. How many whole cans of paint are needed to apply two coats of paint to the walls?

7 Example 3: Volume Hana would like to install an air conditioner in her bedroom. Determine the volume of air the air conditioner needs to circulate.

8 Now that her bedroom is done, Hana wants to test our her air conditioner in one of the many pyramids in Egypt. After a long plane ride (with her air conditioner), she finally arrives. What is the volume of cool air needed to completely cool this pyramid? 3 m 4 m 6 m

9 Example 5: Volume The cylindrical pipe from a house to the main residential sewer line is cm long with an outside diameter of 16.0 cm and an inside diameter of 15.0 cm, as shown in the figure below. Find the volume of the pipe as a solid cylinder of material. Determine the volume of the cylinder space inside the pipe. Determine the volume of the material in the pipe to the nearest cubic centimetre. 15 cm 1800 cm 16 cm

10 1.9 Surface Area and Volume of a Sphere
Unit 1 – Math 10A

11 Surface Area Determine the surface area of a volleyball that has a diameter of 22 cm. r

12 Volume Determine the volume of a volleyball that has a diameter of 22 cm. r

13 Homework Time!

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