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8.6 Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures (1 card)

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Presentation on theme: "8.6 Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures (1 card)"— Presentation transcript:

1 8.6 Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures (1 card)

2 Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures  If the similarity ration is, then:  The ratio of the perimeters is  The ratio of the areas is

3 Ex 1: The trapezoids are Similar  Find the similarity ratio (of the top shape to the bottom shape)  Find the perimeter ratio (of the top shape to the bottom shape)  Find the area ratio (of the top shape to the bottom shape)

4 Ex 1: The trapezoids are Similar  Find the similarity ratio  Find the perimeter ratio  Find the area ratio

5 Ex 1: The trapezoids are Similar  Find the similarity ratio  Find the perimeter ratio  Find the area ratio

6 Ex 1: The trapezoids are Similar  Find the similarity ratio  Find the perimeter ratio  Find the area ratio

7 Ex 2:  Two similar polygons have corresponding sides in the ratio of 5:7  What is the ratio of the perimeters?  What is the ratio of the areas?

8 Ex 2:  Two similar polygons have corresponding sides in the ratio of 5:7  What is the ratio of the perimeters? 5:7  What is the ratio of the areas?

9 Ex 2:  Two similar polygons have corresponding sides in the ratio of 5:7  What is the ratio of the perimeters? 5:7  What is the ratio of the areas? 25:49

10 Ex 3: The two regular pentagons are similar  The area of the smaller pentagon is 42.3 square cm. What is the area of the larger pentagon

11 Ex 3: The two regular pentagons are similar  The area of the smaller pentagon is 42.3 cm. What is the area of the larger pentagon

12 Ex 3: The two regular pentagons are similar  The area of the smaller pentagon is 42.3 cm. What is the area of the larger pentagon

13 Ex 3: The two regular pentagons are similar  The area of the smaller pentagon is 42.3 cm. What is the area of the larger pentagon

14 Ex 3: The two regular pentagons are similar  The area of the smaller pentagon is 42.3 cm. What is the area of the larger pentagon

15 Ex 4:  The area of two triangles are 75 square meters and 12 square meters.  What is the similarity ratio  What is the perimeter ratio

16 Ex 4:  The area of two triangles are 75 square meters and 12 square meters.  What is the similarity ratio 75/12 = 25/4 (square root)= 5/2  What is the perimeter ratio

17 Ex 4:  The area of two triangles are 75 square meters and 12 square meters.  What is the similarity ratio 75/12 = 25/4 (square root) 5/2  What is the perimeter ratio 5/2

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