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Living in His Presence. Psalm 31 20 Thou shalt hide them in the safety of Thy presence from the pride of man; Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion.

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Presentation on theme: "Living in His Presence. Psalm 31 20 Thou shalt hide them in the safety of Thy presence from the pride of man; Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living in His Presence

2 Psalm 31 20 Thou shalt hide them in the safety of Thy presence from the pride of man; Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.

3 Psalm 41 AMP 12 And as for me, You have upheld me in my integrity and set me in Your presence forever.

4 Psalm 23 AMP 6 Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place.

5 HAVE.NOT.I.SENT.THEE_ PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ 62-0124 E-10 So when God spoke and made man, and man's soul was lost, it absolutely... Anything outside of that: joining church and anything is hybreeding. You've got to come back to... God's got to speak the Word back again. That makes it Life Eternal. When God speaks Life into you, then that's eternal again. But until that it's a hybrid condition. You see?

6 HAVE.NOT.I.SENT.THEE_ PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ 62-0124 So the devil mingled with it and mixed-- tried to mix faith and something, unbelief together, so it makes a hybrid (See?), and... But when God speaks and places the Holy Spirit in there and seals it, it's eternal.

7 A.HIDDEN.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ 55-1006A E-26 The sinner first comes into the kitchen, as it was; the kitchen's where you eat. The living room is where you commune. And the bedroom is where you rest.

8 A.HIDDEN.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ 55-1006A But then he moves on into the bedroom, the still quietness with God, where all the things of the world is shut out, and he's alone in the stillness with God. Brethren, sisters, that's the place this Pentecostal move ought to be today, a not so much babbling, "We're Trinity. We're Methodist. We're Assemblies. We're Church of God." We ought to be alone in that quiet stillness with God. Don't you believe it? Certainly, we ought to be.

9 A.HIDDEN.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ 55-1006A E-27 There he went taking before him the blood, and as he went behind the curtain into the third room, there was a veil that dropped behind him, that the outside world could not see him no more. And every man, or boy, or woman, or girl, that ever is anointed of God and walks behind that temple, the Veil of God, the Holy Ghost, puts him in a secret place. The Veil drops behind him, and the world and all of its things are cut off behind him.

10 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 20-3 And now, after they left that second court, sanctification, they entered into this consecrated life, entered into the Presence of God. And while they were in there, there's where they had all these glorious things. What a very beautiful type that in there, anything dead come in, lived again.


12 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101...but by that in creation, you were created to be a son of God. You may bounce around, and be respected and honored out here in the courts, but if you ever get into that glorious place and hid away with God, you'll yield what you're supposed to do.

13 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 20-4 Take a dead sinner, alienated from God, without hope, without Christ, and put him in the Presence of God, in this great glorious tabernacle in there, he will yield forth fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering. The dead rod budded. 'Fore it budded, it had to have refreshments, had to be refreshed.

14 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 It's just like a Christian who's hid himself away with God in the stillness of the night or somewhere; he'll come forth the next day with a freshness, an odorous life, a pleasant place to be, somebody you like to talk to, somebody that can encourage you, somebody you got confidence in.

15 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 21-7 Another great thing of entering into this place, is a place where you can have confidence. You can believe.


17 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 But the Holy Ghost brought her into the Presence, to the refreshing, and brought her behind the veil, dropped the curtain behind her.


19 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 What was it? Getting her to enter into the refreshing, get the veil dropped around her so she won't listen to what the world says, but listen to what God said.

20 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 23-3 Go in by the Blood. Go in by the anointing, anointed. Walk right; live right; hold your head right. Until you enter this courts... I don't say that any man does this, that, or the other, how you're baptized, or which way, or this way, or what church you belong to, God by sovereign grace gives the Holy Ghost to them that He desires to.

21 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 That's why these people today; they were all troubled before God. God by grace give them the Holy Spirit, and that's the reason they live where they live. They're consecrated. They love the Lord. They believing and living every way, every day in His Presence.

22 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 That's where they lay, yielding freshness, yielding their odors of the new Life, with the blossoms, and bringing forth fruit every day.

23 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 23-7 The only thing is to get the anointing of the Holy Spirit. "What is it, Brother Branham?" Take God at His Word, for by faith are you saved, and that's through grace, not by works: no mental emotions, no stirred up, no speaking with tongues, no shouting, no nothing. By faith walk into the Presence of God, and say, "Lord God, I come solely on the basis of Your Word and I believe You."

24 WHY.ARE.PEOPLE.SO.TOSSED.ABOUT_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-14 SUNDAY_ 56-0101 Let the Holy Spirit just take you over. Start eating from the manna. And it's good today; it's good tomorrow; it's good all the time, every day.

25 A.HIDDEN.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ 55-1006A E-39 Ministers of the gospel don't care about your denominations and what the world thinks, but seek to enter in to the hidden manna where the full revelation of God is make love perfect in your heart, and you and God and everything else is at rest.



28 SUPERNATURAL.THE_ OWENSBORO.KY SUNDAY_ 56-0129 And it's the atmosphere that brings the miraculous, and wonders, and powers of God among the people. It's the atmosphere of the people. And when people get to a place they're reasoning, and wondering, and stewing, and thinking, and all tore up, and don't know where they do stand, half of them not even Scripturally taught, how can you expect the atmosphere to be right?

29 SUPERNATURAL.THE_ OWENSBORO.KY SUNDAY_ 56-0129 Put the right kind of a music on the piano, the organ, and everybody in the atmosphere that Jesus Christ is there and going to meet everything that they have need of, something will go to taking place: atmosphere. But that's the hardest thing there is to do. And that is to get people in that atmosphere, the atmosphere of worship, the atmosphere of believing.

30 SUPERNATURAL.THE_ OWENSBORO.KY SUNDAY_ 56-0129 But he lived in an atmosphere that he was constantly in the Presence of God. And he served God away to himself, almost like an isolationist.

31 SUPERNATURAL.THE_ OWENSBORO.KY SUNDAY_ 56-0129 But he lived under the atmospheres of God and not of men.


33 SUPERNATURAL.THE_ OWENSBORO.KY SUNDAY_ 56-0129 It's not afraid what the world says, because while they're talking with the world they're still in another atmosphere. You're talking to the sinner but you're not in his atmosphere. And you're in such a glorious and shrouded in, then Shekinah Glory all around you, and the veils of the world hid. You can talk to the worldly women, or the worldly men, or whoever it is and still live in that Shekinah Glory telling them of a loving God that's raised from the dead.

34 I.HAVE.HEARD.BUT.NOW.I.SEE_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-7 N-3 SATURDAY_ 65-1127E 85 Now, there you are when you're prayed for. You don't have to run back through a line, or go let somebody else pray for you. When you know you've done exactly what God told you to do, see, then wait for that channel of inspiration to open up to you, and, "Now I'm healed!" When it drops in there, then it's all over. Oh, you don't need no prayer lines, nothing else, it's over! It's been revealed to you!


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